Lunch at the Library

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I rolled out of my bed at 9:45, my body used to the lack of sleep. I rubbed my eyes, shutting my alarm off on my phone and texting the group chat with Max and Chelsea.

Me: grab my work for me today

Chelsea: how's your mom?

Max: more importantly how are you?

Me: fine

Chelsea: how long this time?

Max: who cares?

Me: I'm hoping for at least a week it's easier without her here

Chelsea: *hugs* 😕

Max: do we get to see you outside of school anytime soon

Me: don't count on it

I tossed my phone back on my nightstand, made my bed and changed into my running clothes. I had class all evening which left me just enough time for a quick run, speed clean the house, stop and see Penny for an hour and work on a research paper for one of my college classes.


I walked into the library Saturday morning, my book bag slung over one shoulder as I greeted Mrs. Rae.

"Good morning darling." She said, sliding me over a coffee from Starbucks.

She bought me coffee every weekend and I loved her for it. Among other things.

"Morning." I said on a yawn. "Thank you."

I took the coffee, taking a sip of the hot, black liquid. I needed the caffeine boost, I was dragging this morning. Penny had called me in the middle of the night, complaining about the nurses and the lack of food. She didn't understand that she was literally killing herself with food and she was close to succeeding if she didn't change her eating habits. Which was exactly what the doctors were trying to enforce. Instead I had to listen to the same rant again and again.

I had already been to the hospital this morning for a few hours. Penny was furious when I didn't show up with any fast food for her like she'd asked.

"Rough night?" Mrs. Rae asked as I set my bag down and stood beside her behind the counter of the library.

I leaned against the counter, my shoulder pressed against hers. "You could say."

As always Mrs. Rae was impeccably dressed, her hair combed into a perfect bob, not a gray hair in sight, though I suspected that was because of an expensive trip to a salon on a regular basis.

"Things will sort themselves out soon." She said.

I gave her a half smile, taking another drink before I asked, "What's on the agenda for today?"

"It's a quiet day. Just some cleaning and organizing."

She tapped a piece of paper on the counter and I picked it up, examining the list. I loved that she made lists for me. It made everything that much more simple.

"I'll get to it."

"Take your time dear."

I nodded, even though we both knew I wouldn't. I liked to have to her list done half way through my first shift so that I could study and work on homework in between helping customers. I'd been working at the library since I was 14, volunteering since I was 12. And Mrs. Rae was fully supportive of me, which was a relief. As long as I did what she needed me to do, I could spend the remainder of my time catching up on homework. If she didn't let me, there was no way I'd be able to fit everything in.

I carried my coffee to the maintenance room, grabbing the cleaning supplies and started to work.


"Mina! Where are you?" Max yelled.

"Shh its a library, stop yelling." Chelsea muttered.

"No ones here. Mina!" Max yelled again.

"Aisle four!" I called, shaking my head at both of them.

I was reshelving a stack of books that had been returned by one of the regulars earlier that morning. I scanned the spines, carefully wedging my hand in between books as I slid the other book in between.

"We brought you lunch." Max said, holding up a brown paper bag.

"And you're homework from yesterday." Chelsea said, a folder in her hands.

"I owe you." I told them both.

Max laughed, wrapping his arm around me. "You haven't even paid us back for the last ten times you said that."

"Good thing we're best friends, I'll never have to." I grabbed the paper bag from him and the folder from Chelsea, abandoning the rest of the books for the time being.

They followed me to our usual spot, an old conference room off the side of the library. It was lined with windows, floor to ceiling bookshelves on the interior wall. Mrs. Rae mostly used it for the occasional book signing or small event. Needless to say the room was only ever occupied a few times out of the year. I dropped the bag on the table, letting the contents spill out.

"Where's your food?" I asked, picking up the apple that had rolled out and taking a bite.

"Unlike you we can't survive off of such healthy food. We stopped at Five Guys." Max said. "Ate it in the car."

"Five Guys is bad for you." I told him.

"Depends on who you ask." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "I wouldn't mind five guys."

"In your dreams." Chelsea said. "When was the last time you even went on a date?"

"Hey! You're one to talk!" He flicked her off.

I pulled out a salad that Chelsea had made. I knew better than to think it was from Max.

"Besides, Owen and I have been talking a lot. Maybe I can convert him." Max said, a smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes, my mouth full of salad. "Can we not talk about him?"

"Why, does it get you all hot and bothered?" Chelsea teased, laughing as Max fanned himself.

"God knows it does me." He said.

"You both have problems." I told them.

"Come on, you can't tell me that nothing is going on between you two."

"I can though because nothing will ever be going on between us." That much I was sure of.

I had already decided I was going to remain single. Forever.

Men and relationships did nothing but screw up your life. I'd witnessed the ruins myself.

"I mean he talks to us now." Chelsea said more to Max than me. "And I know for sure it's not us he's coming to talk to."

"Hey! We bonded. I got him high." Max defended.

"Helping someone get high doesn't mean anything." Chelsea countered.

I finished my apple, packing up the remainder of the salad for later.

"I have to get back to work. You guys can sit here and bicker for as long as you want."

And they did, for two more hours.


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