Quench the Thirst

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Penny had been admitted to the hospital two days prior. I was home when she gasped my name in a panic, her hands clutched to her chest and eyes wide with panic.

It wasn't her first heart attack.

Probably wouldn't be her last either.

I kicked my shoes off, propping my feet up on the end of Penny's bed as I typed away on my laptop. Penny was flipping through the channels, grumbling under her breath about being hungry.

"They took my lunch order hours ago." She whined.

I glanced at the time on my screen, my fingers not stopping from typing out my thought.

"It's only 10:30. They'll probably bring it in an hour or so." I told her.

"But I'm hungry now."

I bit back everything I wanted to say. Like I always did.

"Sorry." I said as genuinely as I could muster. "Before I leave I'll find it out when they normally do lunch." I offered.

I already knew I was right. We'd been in the hospital enough times I basically had the schedule down. But I'd do anything to keep Penny from taking her frustration out on me. I wasn't sure I'd have any nice things to say back if she provoked me too much. I was still very sore over the letters from my dad. Maybe I always would be.

"When are you leaving?" She asked.

"About 15. My class starts at 11."

The only convenient thing about Penny being in the hospital was that it was basically right across the street from my college. I could stop in and see her between classes or show up early and study while I sat in her room and vice verse.

"Are you coming back afterward?"

I could see her watching me but I didn't look up. Every time I looked at her, I either was disgusted or angry and I was tired of feeling that way.

"Not today, but I think Aunt Carla said she might stop by."

"What're you doing?"

I wasn't going to tell her the truth. If she knew I was blowing her off to see my friends she'd throw a fit.

"I've got some errands to run and then I got called in." I lied.

She let out a sigh, going back to clicking through channels. I didn't hate Penny. But I no longer had the sympathy for her that I once did.


I climbed out of my car, tossing my hair brush on the seat as I slammed the door. I was fighting to keep the smile off my face but I couldn't help but let the excitement of a worry free afternoon affect me.

Pushing through the doors of the restaurant, I waved to Mr. Richards behind the bar.

"Squirt!" He yelled back, his smile increasing. "Come give me a hug!"

My smile widened as I stepped up to the bar, stretching over it as he did the same. He wrapped his arms around me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"The kids are in the back by the doors to the pool room." He told me as we parted. "Do me a favor and keep Max in line for me."

I laughed, an impossible feat. "I'll do my best."

It wasn't hard to find Max, Chelsea and Owen. Max's voice carried through the restaurant like someone had miked him and was broadcasting everything he said through the restaurants speakers.

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