|| 𝔸 𝔾𝕚𝕗𝕥 || 𝔐𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔩𝔩!ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 ||

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"House Martell", Illyrio said.
"What about them?", Viserys asked. They were discussing the plans of conquering Westeros in the Magister's office.
"They're still loyal to you. Secretly. They will never forget what Lannisters have done to poor Elia"
"Good to know. But will they send me an army? I doubt that", Viserys snorted, "I couldn't  care less about their support"
"They won't give you any army but they are planning to give you a small gift. That's what Doran Martell wrote to me in a letter"
"How nice. A gift", Viserys' smile was obviously fake, "How can I be sure that they don't want me dead? They can be working with Robert Baratheon. They're all traitors to me anyway"
"My King", Illyrio interrupted him, "I'm pretty sure you will be pleased when the gift arrives"


You were standing on the hill and watching your funeral from afar. Sounds strange, indeed, but your father decided to send you away to Essos. You were supposed to become Viserys Targaryen's wife like your late aunt Elia had been his brother's wife years ago. Your father thought you would make an excellent gift to young Targaryen - a proof that House Martell remains loyal. But that would also mean that another Martell lady would become the Queen. You didn't know much about Viserys and his younger sister Daenerys. You only knew that they had a difficult childhood and that the girl was your age.
(y/n), you heard your father's voice and you turned around. You smiled at him. He looked really weak and sick, that was breaking your heart. You didn't want to disappoint him, you hoped Viserys would like you.
"Yes, father?", you asked.
"How is it to look at your own funeral?", he gave you a cracked smile.
"Strangely interesting", you answered. Your parents were pretending that you had drowned. No one in Westeros could know that you were actually being sent to Essos.
"I want the best for you", he coughed and you looked at him worried, "You may think I am acting irrational right now but you will thank me later. You're going to be the Queen. Like your aunt should have been"
"I know, father, I want nothing but the best for our house", you stated and he smiled at you.
You leaned in to hug him. Sometimes you thought you were his favorite child - you never caused any troubles and you obeyed him. It was caused by the fear. You were aware of his sickness and feared to lose him any day.
At first it was your sister Arianne, that your father had wanted to send to Viserys, but her spoiled maidenhood and reckless way of being did not make her a good gift indeed. You and Arianne were never in good terms. She was older than you but instead of being supportive she would often make fun of you. As daddy's girl she was jealous of your relationship with the father. Your shyness and innocence were making you an easy aim of her jokes.
"If something goes wrong there, you can always come back home", your father told you.
"Thank you, father"
"No. I thank you", he squeezed your hand.
"What if he doesn't like me?", you asked suddenly as you were slowly moving towards the ship.
"You're a beautiful lady, (y/n) of House Martell. If he is blind then it is his loss"
"And you won't be disappointed in me?", you asked biting your lip.
Your brothers and mother were waiting by the ship already. Arianne wasn't there.
"Oh, I'd like to stay with you forever", you smiled at Trystane and hugged your little brother.
"You have to go to become the Queen", he told you.
"I know", you laughed, "You're going to live with me in the castle one day, I promise", you kissed his forehead.
"Farewell, dear sister", Quentyn said. He was one year older than you and anyone who had ever called you shy, changed their mind after meeting him. He was very insecure and didn't want to disappoint your father as well. You hugged him tightly although he felt kind of uncomfortable with it.
"Farewell, dear brother. Hold your head up a little bit higher, you have nothing to be ashamed of", you smiled at him sweetly and kissed his cheeks.


Viserys had no idea what the gift was. He was anticipating the ship from Dorne like a small boy waiting for candy. He knew it could be a trap but at the same time he was hoping for the best. Illyrio told him that Doran Martell would never give him an army but Viserys couldn't stop thinking about it.
The day finally came and Viserys was standing in the big hall with his sister Daenerys. Illyrio walked inside accompanied by a young lady. She was pretty but seemed to be very shy.
"My Grace", Illyrio smiled at confused Viserys, "That is Lady (y/n) of Dorne, daughter of Doran Martell and Lady Mellario of Norvos. Her father's greatest wish is to join your houses together. My Lady?", he looked at the girl and she looked up nervously.
Her (e/c) clashed with Viserys' lilac ones.
You have heard about Targaryens before but seeing them in person was something completely different. Their silver hair and lilac eyes seemed to be out of this world. You bowed a little in front of the man that your father wanted to become your husband. You had to admit that he was very handsome. You wouldn't mind being his wife. And his Queen.
Viserys snorted rudely.
"A girl? Really? He sent me a girl? How old are you, anyway?", he approached you and you took a step back. You got scared of the Targaryen King.
"She's your sisters' age", Illyrio answered for you and you were glad that he did because you forgot how to speak, "You don't need to accept the gift, my King"
"Of course I don't have to", he laughed with contempt but he took a second look on you, "Come here", he commanded and you walked towards him although your legs were shaking. You felt like crying.
Viserys started walking around you and sniffing you like a dog with his hands all over your waist. It made you feel uncomfortable.
"You smell like the sun", he said. His voice was almost seductive at the moment and you started to think there was something wrong with his head.
"All women of Dorne do, my King", you said quietly and that made him smile with amusement.
"I like her", Viserys told Illyrio and his hand suddenly grabbed your right breast. You blushed but didn't say anything. You were more than shocked, though. Lords in Westeros would never treat you this way, "She's got everything a woman should have", he smiled at you as his hand let go of your chest.
"So you're accepting the gift?", Illyrio asked.
"How can I know that she's not here to kill me and my dear sister?", he pointed at Daenerys who smiled at you. You smiled back.
"My father is loyal to his rightful king, my Grace. I can assure you of that", you dared to speak and handed him the necklace that was wrapped around your wrist like a fancy bracelet, "It belonged to your mother. It was a gift for my aunt Elia from Prince Rhaegar"
Viserys looked at the necklace like it was the most precious thing in the world. Then he looked up at you, couldn't believe that you were the one to bring him such treasures.
"We still remember", you added.
"Send a letter to Doran Martell", Viserys looked at the Magister and gently caressed your cheek, "I'm accepting his gift"
You gave him a big smile. You were scared of disappointing your father but you didn't fail and that made you happy.
"Here", Viserys gave you the necklace back.
"Oh, no, my King, it is yours", you told him, "It belonged to your mother"
"And now...", he clasped it behind your back, "It does belong to you, my fiancée (y/n) Martell"

Viserys Targaryen Imagines || Game of ThronesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz