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𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊: It's an AU in which everything went the way Viserys planned it so The Dothraki Army helped him to conquer Westeros.


When Viserys Targaryen won the Iron Throne back with the help of his sister's husband and The Dothraki, everybody was waiting to see what kind of a king he would be. All The Great Houses bowed down eventually, they liked him more than Cersei Lannister after all. Viserys didn't trust anyone, though and he felt like he was surrounded by the traitors. His sister had to come back to Essos to her family and he was all alone on the Iron Throne. He wasn't a bad king but he wasn't a great one either. He was trying very hard not to remind of his father but sometimes it was difficult for him to do.
Many noble lords had sent him their daughters to be the court ladies, hoping they would become The Queen, but Viserys didn't like them. Except for one. Lady (y/n) of House Arryn. Her father, ser Elbert Arryn, was killed by his father, The Mad King, shortly before Robert Baratheon's Rebellion. (y/n) was two years old when this happened and since then she was living in The Vale with her mother and the rest of the family. She had to survive a lot - her crazy aunt Lysa who would often humiliate her mother, and her terrible uncle Robin - because the boy was acutally her uncle. Oh, she hated this kid so much. And now he was The Lord of the Eyrie and had sent her to The King's Landing hoping she would marry the son of her father's murderer. Lovely.


You were a strong woman of The Vale. The things you had seen and survived during the wars caused your way of being kind of harsh and cold. The Targaryen King did not scare you nor impress you at all. And that was frustrating him.
"Lady Arryn, may we speak?", he approached you when you were reading a book in the garden. All the court ladies looked at him with admiration in their eyes. Yes, he was handsome, but so what? You used to know many handsome men. All of them died.
"Yes, my King?", you rolled your eyes and put the book down. The court ladies gave you a dirty look.
"Alone", he added looking at them and they left disappointed.
"What's the matter, Your Grace?", you asked as he sat next to you.
"I can see that you don't feel well in The King's Landing. You must miss home", he started.
"I don't", you interrupted him boldly, "I miss my mother in The Vale but I don't miss The Vale itself. Robin is there"
"You don't like your uncle, I see"
"Uncle", you snorted, "He's younger than me. And he's a brat"
"You should be more careful with your words, my lady", King Viserys said. He was surprised by your behaviour.
"Why should I? Can I get killed?"
"I don't think so but..."
"What's worse than death?", you asked.
"Many things I've heard"
"I have seen death. It's the worst. When people know they are going to die they are able to do the worst things. It brings the scums out of them. Pathetic", you nearly hissed at him.
"You're bitter, my lady. I want to know the reason"
"First of all my father was killed by yours, Your Grace. I haven't really met him, I was too young to remember, but I miss him every day", you confessed.
"I am not responsible for..."
"Then", you kept talking, "The War of The Five Kings. I was begging aunt Lysa to send our army to help Robb Stark. That bitch kept refusing. I used to spend a lot of time in Winterfell as a child. Although they were not my real family they were treating me like one. When Lannisters killed Robb Stark I blamed aunt Lysa. And then she married that snake Baelish... She loved him but he brought Sansa Stark to us. Sansa is my good friend but I saw the way he was looking at her. And then he killed his wife and gave Sansa to Boltons. He sent Robin away and decided to rule The Vale. The way he was treating me and my mother was...", you sighed, "degrading. But it doesn't matter. All of them are dead. Your father, Lysa Arryn, Petyr Baelish, Lannisters, Boltons... All of them", you finished your hateful monologue breathing heavily.
Viserys was observing you for a while. He finally extended his hand to put your loose hair strand behind your ear.
"You're stunning, lady (y/n) of The Vale", he confessed almost whispering.
You furrowed your brows not sure of his intentions.
"You're not intimidating me", you told him.
"I know", he assured, "That's why you should be my Queen"
You gasped as you stood up and took a step back.
"Who do you hate more? Targaryens or Lannisters?", he asked, "Doesn't matter, Lannisters are dead"
"I don't hate whole families. I hate people like Cersei Lannister, Lysa Arryn, Petyr Baelish, your father..."
"I am not like them", he stood up as well. His voice tried to be calm but you could hear you were actually making him angry. He clenched his fists.
"I can see you being on the verge of madness. Do you consider me stupid, my King? Even now, you're trying to hold yourself back"
"Do you think you're better than me?", Viserys drawled out.
"No", you confessed which shocked him, "I don't. I am hateful, bitter and undisciplined. We can't rule together, I'd pity the people of Westeros"
"And I don't", he grabbed your wrist as you were about to walk away, "You are smart and kind deep inside"
"There's no such thing as deep inside. We are what we act like. You're on the verge, Your Grace. I can push you a little too much towards the madness and that's not what you want", you bowed and left his side.

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