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You were walking around Pentos with your new friend, Lhara, as you tried to buy some red wine for the feast.
"The High Priest of Pentos will not be pleased with the wine of this poor quality", Lhara told you as you both were trying wines from the local tradeswoman.
"I agree", you nodded, "This wine is terrible", you looked at the woman, "Thank you, we are not buying"
"So, you were supposed to tell me your story", Lhara was excited. She was new in the Red Temple and she chose you as her guidance although you were not experienced yet. You were only few years older than her.
"I've had visions since I was a child and finally I decided to sacrifice myself to the Lord of Light. That's it. My parents are really proud of me and my abilities", you answered her, "They're a noble family"
Then you saw a wealthy silver-haired man in the crowd. And you felt it. Deep inside. Your head started to spin as you touched your temple to massage it gently. You had a vision. A vision of the crown and the victory. A vision of the Dragon.
"What's wrong, (y/n)?", Lhara asked.
"Nothing, it's nothing", you shook your head, "Do you have any idea who that man is?", you asked.
"What man?"
"The one with silver hair"
"Oh, I have heard the gossips", she giggled, "They say that Magister Mopatis has new guests... The Targaryen Siblings... The children of the Mad King"


You found yourself knocking on Illyrio Mopatis' door late at night few days later.
His wife, Serra, opened the door in a company of few guards.
"Who are you?", she asked.
You let your red hood fall on your shoulders as you revealed your face.
"What do you want? It's late"
"Is that true what they're saying? Is that true that you're hiding the Targaryens?"
Serra looked scared.
"I am not here to spy", you assured.
"Listen, we do not follow the Lord of Light. What do you want?"
"I want to speak to the King of Westeros", you said.
Serra called her husband and he looked at you suspiciously.
"I want to speak to the King", you repeated, "Let me in"
"I don't know your true intentions", Illyrio told you.
"What's going on?", you heard a male voice coming from the inside of the house. The voice made you shiver. It had to be him. The King.
"My King!", you shouted, "Please, I need to talk to you!"
His silver-haired head emerged from around the corner. His lilac eyes met yours and you felt the power of the Lord of Light all over you.
"Who is she?", the King asked.
"I am (y/n), a Red Priestess", you introduced yourself, "The Lord of Light sent me to you. You are the chosen one"
"The chosen one?", he asked, clearly interested.
"You are the rightful Targaryen King and my Lord sent me to help you get the throne back. I had seen you few days ago and I immediately knew it was you"
"Let her in", the King looked at Illyrio and his wife as they nodded and you walked inside, "Welcome, (y/n). My name is Viserys. King Viserys Targaryen"


"The Lord of Light wants only one thing in return", you told him as your finger was making circles on his bare chest, "He wants you to convert the Seven Kingdoms after you become the King"
"If he proves his existence by making me the King, I will build him as many Red Temples as he wants"
"Good", you kissed him on the mouth, "The Lord is willing to give everything to those who follow him", you assured.
You started sleeping with your King few weaks earlier. Your attraction and admiration has quickly turned into the purest form of love. He liked sleeping with you because you were telling him stories about the day you would make him the King.
"Is that really all the Lord of Light wants in return?", Viserys asked looking deep into your eyes.
"Well... He wouldn't mind if you'd make a Red Priestess the Queen", you laughed.
"If a Red Priestess find me an army", he kissed your forehead and hugged your body closer to his.
He fell asleep but you did not. You were laying in the dark, thinking about the ways to help your King. Making plans, finding friends and reading the signs was not enough, You really had to find him an army.
In the morning you woke up before him and got out of bed. You dressed up and left Illyrio's house to visit the Red Temple.
"(y/n)! (y/n)!", you heard Lhara's voice and you sighed.
"What?", you asked.
"I heard you're helping the Targaryen King now. The High Priest is not sure if that's a good decision"
"I told him already. I had visions about the Dragon"
"There is no <<but>>", you told her.
"You look worried"
"I need to find him an army", you sighed, "I don't know how. He thinks I'm more powerful than I really am. I haven't told him I'm a Red Priestess for few years only"
"You're in love with him", Lhara said.
"Yes, I am", you confessed, "He's going to make me his Queen. If I bring him the army"
"Don't believe in the Dragon's words", you heard The High Priest's voice and you turned around to bow a little.
"Why not?", you asked him.
"The Lord of Light tells me he's a vicious man"
"He tells me something different"
"No, he does not. But he also tells you that he's the chosen one and you have decided to ignore the messages about his viciousness. Love makes you blind. But you shouldn't love anyone or anything more than the Lord"
"I don't"
"Khal Drogo is looking for a wife", The High Priest told you, "And your King has a sister. Maybe Khal would offer his army for her"
"Thank you", you smiled at him, "Why are you helping me?"
"The Lord of Light is never wrong. He's got the reason to give you the visions about the Dragon and he's got the reasons to choose you to have them"
"How can I contact Drogo, though?", you asked.
"Magister Mopatis will know", he assured you.
You came back to Illyrio's house where everyone was having a breakfast. You looked at Daenerys, quietly eating her meal, and started having doubts. She was a young, gentle girl with a pure heart. You didn't want to hurt her.
"Where were you, my dear?", Viserys asked you, "I got scared you had left us"
"I was in the temple. And I think I have an army for you", you smiled at him. You didn't want to hurt his sister, yes. But you wanted his love badly.
"An army?!", Viserys stood up and approached you, he was very excited.
"Magister Illyrio, you know how to contact Khal Drogo, right?", you asked the Magister.
"Yes, I do. But I doubt that The Dothraki will agree to fight for our King", he answered to you.
"The savages?", Viserys asked you a little bit worried this time.
"Their Khal is looking for a wife", you informed him and looked significantly at unconscious Daenerys, "That could be the deal"
Viserys thought for a minute or two and then he pecked your lips.
"You're brilliant, my Lady", he told you, "Absolutely brilliant. You got me the army and I'm going to get you the world"
You could see in his eyes that he really meant what he said. You weren't that sure anymore if the Lord was the one you loved the most.

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