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𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊: It's an AU in which Viserys was with Daenerys all the time and Viserion was not killed by The Night King.


"Princess Baratheon must die", Cersei said while sipping wine.
"Cersei...", Jaime started, "Maybe we should send her to Stannis or Renly..."
"They're already scheming against me", Cersei hissed, "She must die. And it must look like an accident"
"She's just a young innocent girl. Still a teenager", Jaime tried to convince his sister.
"Why do you care so much about her?", The Queen got angry, "You like her, don't you?"
"Well... I don't have any reason to hate her. Neither do you. She won't ever rebel against you, she's far from politics"
"You're right, killing her might be wrong", Cersei smirked, "Renly and Stannis won't hurt me as long as I can kill their baby sister. She'll spend the rest of her days in the dungeons"
"What will you tell the people of King's Landing? They're going to ask where their favorite  Princess is", Jaime squinted his eyes at her.
"Oh, poor Princess (y/n)... She was always so delicate... She's laying sick in her chambers, she might die any day...", Cersei explained with a fake sadness in her voice.
"You're cruel. She's used to being The Princess. She'll die in the dungeons"
"I hope so"


You didn't die, though. But you were losing your innocence and kindness with each day. You were finishing every day with a prayer. A prayer for Cersei to lose her head. You weren't treated like other prisoners, you were treated way better than them. But it didn't change the fact you were in the dungeons. You could have a bath once a week, you had a small window in your prison cell and you were eating quite good meals. But you were aware of the fact that it wasn't because of Cersei's mercy. It was Jaime Lannister and your nephews - Myrcella, Tommen and even Joffrey - all of them cared for your well-being.
On that night you saw Tyrion Lannister being locked in the cell next to yours.
"Why are you here?", you asked when the guards left.
"They blamed me for Joffrey's death", he snorted.
"Joffrey is dead?", you asked shocked.
"Dead and gone", he nodded.
"Oh Gods...", you got sad. He was... odd. But he was your nephew after all. At least you couldn't stop treating Cersei's children differently after you had found out the truth. They were still your family.
"He was a monster"
"He was our family, wasn't he? Did you kill him?", you asked.
"No. But I wish it was me"
"How did he die?", you asked.
You couldn't see his face. You could only hear his voice through the wall. But he was telling you everything all night long. He told you about your uncle Renly, he told you about Robb Stark and he told you about Margaery Tyrell who was supposed to be the new Queen.
"They're going to cut my head off", he finished.
"I'm sorry...", you sighed, "I'm going to die in here"
"The war is going to end, my Princess", he assured.
"I feel like The Princess from the fairytale, locked in the tower. But I don't think that any Prince Charming will come"
"Just wait", you could hear that Tyrion was smiling but his voice was sad.
Few days later you woke up in the middle of the night because of the noise outside of your cell.
"Jaime...", you heard Tyrion's voice, "Princess (y/n)... You'll tell Cersei I helped her to run away"
"She won't survive", Jaime answered.
"She's survived here, Jaime!"
After a while you heard the door of your cell opening.
"Ser Jaime... I guess you're the Prince Charming for me", you chuckled a little and he shook his head.
"If she dies, you're the one to blame", Jaime pointed his finger at Tyrion. He was clearly worried about you.


After everything you had to go through, you had to admit one thing - you could have stayed in that cell. There was not a day you wouldn't remind Tyrion this fact. But actually his sharp tongue and ser Jorah's sword abilities saved you from many terrible situations.
Now Daenerys Targaryen and her brother were standing above you in The Great Pyramid of Meereen and they looked like they were about to kill you and Tyrion.
"I should have stayed in that cell", you whispered to him and he sighed rolling his eyes.
"So we've got here Queen Cersei's brother and King Robert's sister. Is there any reason for us not to kill you?", Viserys asked.
"We hate Cersei", Tyrion tried to explain.
"Oh sure, why would we believe you?"
"I've spent months in The Red Keep's dungeons and almost died few times on my way here. To help you kill her. That's why you should believe me", you said.
"Your brother killed my brother", Viserys walked down the stairs and faced you, His lilac eyes were full of hate and despise.
"I was two years old, I don't even remember that", your voice was shaking.
He approached you closer and touched your chin gently. His eyes remained cold, though.
"And you?", he looked lazily at Tyrion.
"Everybody in Westeros knows that Cersei hates me and wanted to cut my head off"
"What do you think?", Viserys asked Daenerys but his hand was still on your chin.
"They may be our chance", she admitted, "But it doesn't mean I trust them"
"I won't help much...", you said quietly and Viserys looked at you again, "I was locked in the dungeons, I had no idea what was going on in The King's Landing. I may be useless for you, but please don't kill me"
"Princess (y/n) is a wise and intelligent young woman. You should keep her around, my Grace", Tyrion stood by your side.
"She may be. But she's not a Princess", Viserys smirked.

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