Settling in - Loki

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Imagine moving into a new apartment with Loki and he finds some embarrassing pictures of you as a child.

"(Y, N)?" Your very confused boyfriend called from the other room across from you.

"Yeah?" You call back, "what's wrong?"

"Can you come here?" He asks, "there's something very strange in this room."

You sigh, wondering what the hell he is talking about, drop the box of clothes you were unpacking and walk to the living room. When you arrive, you see him cautiously looking at your Ipad, "this strange device you seem to like has a mind of its own," he says, so seriously, like he believes every word, making you hold in a laugh, "see?" He asks as it lights up to display an event from one of your favourite games.

You do laugh then, "that's just an alert Loki," you say.

"No (Y, N), it keeps saying it wants you to play with it, or it's lonely," Loki responds.

"Those are just random sentences the creators of certain games send me to get me to play it," you say, "basically like advertising, they want you to come play it so you'll spend more money."

"Oh," Loki says, looking a little embarrassed.

'He looks so adorable when he is embarrassed,'  you think.

"I heard that," Loki's voice echoes in your head, reminding you that he can read your thoughts, you still haven't quite gotten used to that. Looking around the living room, that was full of boxes stacked against the walls, you ask, "have you even unpacked anything yet?"

"I admit, I have been a little distracted," he says, looking over to some photo albums I found,  these ones have pictures of you as a baby and young child, "you were so adorable (Y, N)."

"Hey!" You shriek, grab the albums and close them, "you didn't ask!"

Loki gave you such a cute pouty smile that you had to take back what you said, "ok, ok, it's alright, they're just a little personal that's all," you say.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask (Y, N)," Loki says gently, "but they are really very sweet and I couldn't resist not to look at the rest when I saw the one of you playing in the sandpit as a toddler."

You giggle, "Mum loves that one," you say, "hey does your Mother keep any embarrassing baby photos of you?"

Loki smirks, "luckily for me, Asgardians don't use cameras, so no."

You playfully elbow him in the side, "not fair," you murmur, then look up into his stunning blue eyes and find yourself lost in them until Loki asks, "(Y, N)? Didn't you want to unpack?"

"Oh, yeah," you reply and scoot over to a box on the floor, "I really did pack a lot, didn't I? Considering you have like three boxes and I have twenty."

"You've lived on Midgard you whole life love," Loki answers, "you are bound to have lots more than I do."

"Yeah, I guess," you reply, then turn back to unpacking.


A while later you stand up and wipe the few beads of sweat that had formed on your forehead, "ugh," you groan, "I'm so tired. Can we take a break?"

You hear Loki laugh from the other room, "tired already love? It's only been an hour."

I sigh, "yeah whatever. I'm tired and feel like ice cream, so can we please go take a break and satisfy my sugar craving?"

Loki walks into the room your unpacking in and says, "of course love, since we already have most of the bedroom unpacked, I believe we can resume the rest of the unpacking tomorrow. So why don't we go for ice cream and then I take you to dinner."

"Mmm, that sounds good," you say crossing the distance between the two of you and placing your hands on his chest, "and what will we do after that?" I asked.

Loki looked at me with a smirk in his sapphire eyes, "you choose."

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now