Secret love - part 1 - Loki

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Loki's eyes never left you as you worked in the kitchen preparing a meal for the Avengers, they didn't want you to, but you insisted, since you loved cooking. Everyone except for Wanda and Loki was out at the moment, so while you were cooking, those two were sitting on the long couch, one reading a book and the other observing you. You could see the trickster watching you, but you pretended not to notice - this wasn't the first time you had caught him staring, you didn't know why, but you always got a little thrill knowing he found something interesting in you.

The two of you hadn't talked much since you and the Avengers captured him and brought him to live under observation in Stark Tower; he was a criminal, he had tried to take over the world, yet there was something intriguing about him, that you desperately wanted to unravel to understand him. As if being extremely intriguing and mysterious wasn't enough, he was also the most attractive man you had ever seen in your life, his gorgeous raven locks deep blue eyes and sharp cheekbones, he was the definition of perfection.

But for the past three months you had been pushing aside all thoughts like that because he was a bad guy, but apart from his sarcasm (which you secretly thought was cute), you couldn't seem to find anything 'bad guy' about him.

"(Y, N)?" Wanda asked walking into the kitchen, "are you ok?"

You shook your head to clear your thoughts and looked up at her, noticing that Loki was watching still, now with a tinge of concern in his eyes at Wanda's words, "yeah, I'm fine," you replied, "why?"

"You were standing still for like three whole minutes," she answered, "what's on your mind?"

"Oh, nothing important," you lied, then pointed to a large glass bowl, "I'm just trying to remember how many cups of flour I put in this." 

Wanda smiled, nodded and said, "well, I'm going out for a while, I'll be back in an hour, with the rest of the Avengers. Will you be alright? With him?"

You felt your stomach drop and then fill with a mix of fear, uncertainty, and excitement - in all the three months you had never been left alone with the god of mischief, but you masked your emotions and smiled back, "yeah, I'll be ok, have fun," you replied.

As soon as Wanda left, you continued with your cooking and tried not to pay attention, even though the moment you had been waiting for so so long was right in front of you -( to figure out Loki when no one else was around), you didn't want to take it. You turned your arm and looked at your Fitbit, your heart rate was 128BPM, you needed to calm down. You took a few deep breaths and shot a quick glance over to the couch and saw Loki was looking at the book Wanda had left on the coffee table, and soothed yourself with the thought that he would most likely just read and leave you alone.

A few minutes later you placed your hard work in the oven to cook and was about to go do whatever when you remembered that you were the only one here and had to watch the prisoner, so you pretended to be going through a recipe book when you heard your name.

"(Y, N)?"

You shivered and ever so slowly raised your gaze to see the speaker, who had left his seat and was standing about two meters in front of you; you breathed out shakily, swallowed and replied, "y-yes?"

Loki took a step towards you and you immediately braced yourself, going stiff and placing your hand a few centimetres away from the kitchen knife; the trickster looked at you in a surprisingly soft and understanding way, "you're wary of me, that's alright," he stated in a soothing yet raw voice.

You took another breath and let it out a little less shakily than last time and replied, "what do you want?"

"I know this is going to seem weird and strange and completely out of line, but I like you, (Y, N)," Loki answered, "and I don't like many people, everyone I've ever know has hated me, but you've shown me that kind and understanding people still do exist."

You were so shocked, he liked you? You secretly liked him, what the hell was going on? He is called the god of mischief, he was probably lying to you.

"Why are you saying this?" You replied, "you know that your word means basically nothing to us Avengers."

"Yes, but, you're not like the rest of them," he responded, "you don't look at me like I'm the lowest thing in the nine realms, you, eheheh, uhh, you actually seem to want to understand me and give me a chance, I hope that that truly is your intention."

You realised you were gaping and quickly shut your mouth, licking your lips quickly and answered, "well you know what, stuff it, even if your lying I'll tell you something I've wanted to tell you for months," you took a deep breath, "I, I like you too Loki. I, um, I do want to figure you out, I always see the best in people, and over the past few months, I've begun to see the best in you, even the best you don't want to show."

Loki looked at you intensely, but a kind and amazed intensity, then he took a few steps towards you, not breaking eye contact, "thank you," he stated, his husky voice bearly above a whisper.

You had never heard him say those to words to anyone except in sarcasm, and you were shocked and pleased at the same time, "I'm glad," you replied, "Loki, I, I, uhh," you couldn't manage to get the words out.

Loki stepped closer to you and you stepped back, realizing you were only a meter away from the wall you tried to speak again, "I, I need to say, uhh," you couldn't say it, not with those blue eyes penetrating into your soul.

Loki moved closer until there was bearly thirty centimetres between the two of you, "(Y, N), I, I want, I mean, I," even the god of mischief couldn't seem to say what he wanted to.

He stepped closer, and you stepped back, feeling the cold tiled wall against your back, you drew in a shaky breath as Loki again stepped closer, "Loki, I, uhh, I, don't know, I, Loki," you wouldn't speak, but to be honest you didn't even know what you were saying or what you wanted to say, Loki was looking at you in such a way that you wanted to melt.

Loki then placed a hand on the wall next to you, trapping you between the wall and himself, from such a close distance, you could see the emotion in his eyes, he wanted you. You were surprised that the god of mischief, powerful enough to do whatever he pleased with you, even end you right there, he hadn't even brushed against your clothes. 

In that moment all your fear of him melted away, it was like you finally saw him for who he truly was, he was gentle, and kind and completely misunderstood, and right then you made the decision to trust him. So you calmed yourself and mentally readied yourself for anything, Loki seemed to notice as his eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips. You gave the slightest nod and he immediately pulled you into a kiss, cupping the side of your face with his left hand and holding your waist with his right. You kissed back instantly, not hesitating a second, you knew you liked him and to learn he liked you was almost like a dream come true, now that he liked and trusted you - well somewhat, you could begin to unravel his secrets. 

Loki pulled away a few seconds later, surprising you with his gentlemanliness, not once did he overpower the kiss or hold it for too long, and you marvelled at how such a kind, passionate person could have ended up a villain - maybe, somehow, he wasn't.

Loki stared at your eyes and you into his, then he spoke in that raw, yet soothing way that made you shiver, "I know, this is going to be hard to work out and keep a secret from the Avengers and everything, but I, it would be the greatest, would you, I mean, uhh, would you be my, girlfriend?"

You smiled, "I don't care about what the Avengers think, of course, I will," you replied.

Loki returned the smile and pulled you into a hug, holding you securely, but not too tight, "thankyou y,n," he whispered.

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now