Wind beneath my wings - Loki

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"There!" You exclaimed as you placed the last candle in its spot, then stood back to admire your work. Slender, white, vanilla candles graced the entrance to your living room, and red and white rose petals were littered over the floor in a path, leading from the front door of your apartment to the entrance of the living room. The ambience of the place was enough to calm Hulk himself, yet here you were, shaking in your shoes - tonight you were going to tell your best friend that you were in love with him. 

Earlier in the week, you had been wondering how on earth you were going to beak the news, when a song played on the radio of your car - 'Wind beneath my wings,' cover by Idina Menzel. The song totally mirrored your feelings and as it ended, you had determined that you would sing it to your best friend to tell him your feelings. It was so relevant since you had recently landed a job as a professional singer, he had been so supportive during the whole process, sending you countless encouragement texts, coming around in the middle of the night to comfort your when an agency declined you.

Truly you couldn't have asked for someone more selfless and encouraging, and during that last year, you had found yourself falling in love with him, and now, one month after you had landed your career, you had finally plucked up the courage to tell him. You knew that if he didn't feel the same way you could very well lose your friendship - so yeah, you were hella nervous.

Suddenly your phone buzzed, you picked it up and saw a message from Loki in response to your 'can you come over', text 2 minutes earlier, it read, 'sure, I'm on my way :)'.

Your stomach dropped to your toes with nervousness, taking a deep breath you calm yourself, you revised the lyrics, although you knew them already. Soon, 5 minutes later, there was a knock on the door, you swallowed nervously, and yelled, "it's open."

Loki opened the door and stepped in, "(Y, N)?" He called, shutting the door behind him.

"I'm in the living room," you answered, licking your lips anxiously.

Soon a tall attractive man in a long-sleeved green shirt, black jeens and gorgeous blue eyes came into your view, "what's all this?" He asked in his perfect accent.

"Loki, there's something I have to tell you," you began, "you have been so supportive and kind to me during the past year, I doubt I would have my career now without you. I wanted to thank you for all you've done for me. You always stayed in the back, in the shadows, as I got all the praise, but what they didn't' realise is that I wouldn't be there if I didn't have you - my strength and my supporter."

Taking a deep breath and turning on the music through your stereo system, you said, "every word I mean with all my heart."

I know so many people say that Bet Midler's version is better, but I thought this cover fits the imagine the best.

When finally you had sung the last note, you shakily said, "I love you, Loki, so much."

Loki looked up at you with tears in his eyes, "that was so beautiful (Y, N), and, I love you too."

Your heart leapt, but quickly sank as you realized that he probably meant it in a friendly way, "but I mean, I, umm, I mean that, I love you differently, I mean, I, I'm, I'm in love with you."

Loki smiled and grasped your hands, "oh, (Y, N,), I'm in love with you too," he breathed.

"Oh!" You exclaimed and jumped into his arms in joy and relief, "I've waited so long to tell you, but I didn't have the courage."

Loki released you from the hug and said softly, "this is certainly destiny (Y, N), because just before you texted me tonight, I was about to text you asking you if I could come over - I , I was going to tell you I'm in love with you."

You gently shook your head in wonder, and suddenly Loki pulled you into a kiss, your first kiss, and you enjoyed every second of it - it felt so right, the two of you together. Finally, Loki pulled away and stared into your eyes, and you into his, "destiny indeed," you whispered.

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now