Secret love - part 3 - Loki

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y/n - your name.

You hummed cheerfully as you made your way around the kitchen, it was your turn to cook for the avengers again and you were making your favourite - spicy chicken. The gang was all busy at the moment, Tony was out in his lab working on his suits with Pepper and Bruce, and Steve, Nat, Wanda and Clint were out in the city. They had again left you to look after the god of mischief, not yet having found out the two of you had been dating for the past two months. Even though keeping your relationship a secret was hard, it had been two wonderful months, the shared glances, and little whispers.

You look up from your work and sneak a look at your dashingly handsome boyfriend who was reading on the couch on the other side of the room, completely engrossed in the story. You smile as you watch his deep blue eyes flicker over the words and he licks his lips briefly before turning the page. His concentration is something you envy, but also admire, and when his concentration is on you, you feel like the most important person in the universe.

Suddenly Loki places his book on his lap and glances your way, giving you a sweet smile at catching you staring at him. You quickly look back down to your work and try to hide the blush that comes to your cheeks by turning your back to him as you place the dish in the oven.

You sigh as you set the timer and clean down the counter, after throwing the cloth in the sink you chance another look at the trickster, he is reading again. You walk over to the couch and join him on the couch, "what are you reading?" You ask.

He places a bookmark in the page and set the book aside before answering, "Shakespeare," he replied, "although Midgard can be behind Asgard in knowledge I have to comment this mortal, the writing is brilliant."

You giggle, "well yeah he was pretty good," you state, "so, what do you want to do? I have some free time now."

"Whatever you want my dear," Loki replied, brushing a loose strand of hair out of your face and kissing your forehead making you blush.

"I love it when you blush," he admitted, "it's so adorable."

Your cheeks redden even more as he watches you, but then a thought pops into your head, slowly meeting his eyes you ask, "Loki, do you love me?"

You know that is a big thing for him, having trust issues and having many people he loved hurt him. Expecting him to take a while to respond you were shocked when he answered almost instantly.

"Yes," he stated calmly, "very much."

You smile as a tear came to your eye, "I know how much that means for you to say that, so thank you," you reply, "and I love you too."

"Truly?" Loki asked.

You wrinkle your forehead, "of course I do! I don't say things I don't mean, not when they're this important."

Loki dropped his gaze, "you wouldn't love me if you knew what I really am," he said quietly.

"I do know who you are," you respond, "and I know the attack on New York wasn't your fault, you were mind-controlled, so don't use that as a reason I might not love you, because I do, and I always will."

"It's not that," he stated, "y/n I'm a monster, an evil beast, cold as ice."

You pursed your lips and lifted his head to look at you, "don't you dare say that about yourself," I scolded, "no your not."

Loki pushed you away gently and started to change his form, his skin turned blue with intricate patterns and his eyes shone red. You were shocked and amazed at the same time, you never knew about this but you loved it, he was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.

"Wow," you whisper, staring intently at him.

"I know what your thinking," he said gently, "I am a monster."

"No!" I stated loudly, causing him to look at me, "no you're not, I think you're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen," you confess, "definitely not a beast or a monster, you're beautiful, and it's nothing to be ashamed of."

"But I'm not even human or Asgardian, I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night, something so unloveable I should never have been born," Loki replied coldly.

"Did that real monster tell you that?" I asked calmly, "the same who made you take over the world?"

Loki clenched his jaw and stared at the ground, tears coming to his eyes as he silently nodded.

"Then it's not true," I stated plainly, "anything he ever said was a lie, you are not a monster, he is, and you are lovable, I love you so much."

He met my eyes slowly a few tears dripping down his patterned cheeks as he started to change back into his Asgardian form, but you grab his arm, "don't," you say gently, "there's nothing not to like about this form, and I want to show you I'm not afraid."

Loki returned to his Jotun form as you scooted closer, you brushed your fingers over his face softly, marvelling at the intricate designs before pressing a kiss to his cool lips. You felt him return the kiss but break it soon after, looking up you see tears sliding down his cheeks, "thankyou," he says, his voice shaky, "thankyou y/n."

You smile sweetly and wrap your arms around his torso, hugging him tightly, "you know what?" You murmur.

"What?" Loki asked quietly.

You sigh contentedly, "now I love you more than when I first told you."

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now