The prettiest flower. Part 2 - Loki

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"Come on!" You exclaim as you lead Loki by the hand towards the rollercoaster.

"Oh fine," he sighs, "but if I throw up on you just remember you made me go on."

You laugh, "ok," you say as you joined the line.

You smile, you were having so much fun, for your second date you had taken Loki to 6 flags amusement park - he had never been before.

Soon the wait was up and you both climb in, you dragging Loki to the front car.

"Noooo," he sulks and pulls against the bars that were holding him in place.

"Loki, it will be fun," you reassure him, then cautiously reach out your left hand and take his hand, "you'll be fine," you say squeezing his hand. He smiled and took a deep breath, alright," he breathed as coster starts to move.

It climbed for about 20 seconds until it dipped and suddenly plummeted down!

You scream and cling to Loki's hand for dear life squeezing your eyes shut, you can hear Loki next to you, "y/n!!" Hearing that makes your scream dissolve into a giant laugh as the coster dipped and spun.

When it ended you stand with wobbly legs and walk out into the cool air, "ok, I admit it, that was fun," Loki sighs.

You smile at him, "I told you it would be fun.

An hour later you were both sitting on a wooden bench eating cotton candy with the sun setting behind you.

"Mmm," you moaned as you licked your lips, "I love this."

Loki laughed softly, "it's very good," he replied.

There was a comfortable silence and in that moment you realize you had started to let your guard down, you were acting more like myself and not bothering if you looked stupid. As if reading your thoughts Loki stated, "hey y/n, I really like that you're being yourself, like you don't seem as nervous as you were on our last date."

You smile, "yeah, I am trying not to be so self-conscious and let go a bit. This is the crazy, weird, me."

Loki smiled back, "well I really like the crazy weird side of you," he replied.

You laugh, "thank you.''

Soon after you finished your sweet treats you went on the Ferris wheel, and it was amazing! Since it was night you could see all the lights of the entire park.

After it was over you went and sat down on the grass and watched a dance performance; women dressed in blue and white dresses with shimmery makeup captured your attention for the whole show. You couldn't take your eyes off of them, when they leapt and made a human tower you let out a shout of amazement then felt completely embarrassed as you remembered Loki was with you- you kept your awe silent for the rest of the performance.

When it finished, you clapped and yelled to Loki above the music, "they were amazing!"

"I know!" Loki answered, "it reminds me of the grand balls on Asgard."

You didn't know what to say so you just smiled and nodded. Then you caught a glimpse of the time on your phone and suddenly gasped.

"What is it?" Loki asked, concern brewing on his blue eyes.

"The fireworks!" You exclaim, "we have to get to the centre of the park, we'll get the best view from there, well that what the guide said -and they start in seven minutes!"

You both quickly make your way to the spot and snag a good seat on the bench instead of the cold grass your butt was still numb from sitting on earlier.

Loki smiled at me, "I love fireworks!" He stated excitedly, "they're my favourite thing to watch at events. Out all the performances the fireworks usually end up being the highlight of my night."

You smile, "yep," you reply, "there's definitely something magical about them."

Suddenly you jump as the first loud 'pop' went off, shooting gold sparkles into the night sky. Then several more exploded, followed by the ones that erupted into a circle pattern. The special continued and you sat in awe of the gorgeous colours exploding against the dark stary sky. You looked over at Loki, he was staring at the sky with a content yet excited expression, with the bright shimmering light from the fireworks reflecting in his turquoise eyes.

As you turned back to watch the captivating show you caught Loki watching you out of the corner of your eye and tried to contain the smile that wanted to make an appearance. Then you felt something soft brush over your hand, you look and see Loki's hand was hovering above yours, you give him a sweet smiled and he took that as an answer and took your hand in his, your fingers intertwining; this was one of the silly little romantic dreams you had once had and it had just come true. You decided to be bold and leaned against Loki gently, he smiled and wrapped his arm around the back of your shoulders. You felt so peaceful and content, the fireworks and cool breeze - this was a perfect moment. Sadly five minutes later it ended and several large lights switched on so people could see to make their way out of the park since it was closing soon.

As you both walked to the car Loki turned to you, "that was such a good day, thank you for coming with me Y/N."

You smile, "thanks for taking me, this has been the best day of my year so far hands down," you replied.

You reached the car and climbed into the front passenger seat when Loki turned on the ignition and saw the time, it read 12:42 AM.

"Wow, it got late quickly," you remarked.

"Yeah," Loki said with a laugh, "I'll take you straight home."

Half an hour later Loki pulled into the apartment complex guest car parks, turned off the car, and got out. You did the same and both stood there for about 10 seconds in silence listening to the crickets chirp until Loki spoke.

"Y/N, uhh, I don't know if I should ask you on a third date or whatever it's called, but, I know I wanna keep seeing you."

Your heart left with joy, "I wanna keep seeing you too," you answer.

Loki smiled at you and you looked up into his soft blue eyes and smile back. By the way he was looking at you, you could tell he desperately wanted to kiss you, but being the gentleman he was he leaned down, lifted your head to look at him and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek, "goodnight y/n," he stated softly.

You smile shyly, "goodnight Loki," you whisper.

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now