Awkward plane ride - Loki

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After receiving a promotion at work, you are at one of the New York airports about to fly to London on business for your boss. While you are waiting around at the airport you notice a very good looking man and wonder if maybe he noticed you too.

Walking away from the line with your recently purchased latte, you take a seat at one of the tables next to the little airport cafe', lean your small suitcase against the chair leg and set down your black briefcase. The coffee is just the right temperature, you asked the cashier for it to be ok to drink now, since your flight leaves soon. You sigh, thinking about the long 10-hour journey you have looming only half an hour in front of you.

Opening up your briefcase you take a look through the papers your boss gave you, how long does it take on a plane to get from new york to 'boring', you think and close the lid, you've got enough time on the plane to look through them later. You bring the coffee to your lips and take a sip, it's delicious, maybe there's something about airport coffee, or maybe its because you're in a rush and don't have enough time to get an actual meal.

Your eyes widen suddenly and you gasp as you see a tall, dark-haired man join the line that you were just in - you were gazing at him the whole time you were in customs earlier. You secretly want to scold yourself for feeling that way, 'but who wouldn't,' you think, 'a person wouldn't be human if they didn't feel attracted to this perfect specimen.'

You glance at your watch, your flight leaves in 25 minutes, you should get to the departure lounge, grabbing your briefcase and pulling up the extending handle of your suitcase you start walking to gate F. You make your way there in 2 minutes and set your things down again and take a seat, still sipping on your coffee, you hope you can finish it in time. 

"All passengers taking the flight from New York to London, please make your way to gate F, the flight from New York to London leaves in 20 minutes." An automated voice called over the airport speakers, and you smile to yourself, you're here already and honesty you can't believe you got a seat, usually, when you flew in the past, you had to sit on the floor and wait.

You take another mouthful of your coffee and look out the glass window at the plane you'll be getting on, it looks huge, 'that's probably because it's going across country,' you think, and a twinge of excitement makes you shiver, you've never been to London, and your boss is kindly giving you leisure 3 days to enjoy the sights before you have to come back to work.

Glancing away from the window you see the same man you've been ogling over and nearly choke on your coffee; you cough and wipe away the tears that came to your eyes - your face turning as red as a tomato as he looks in your direction. You turn your head and force yourself to stop coughing and take a few deep breaths - he's on your flight!

To add to your embarrassment the man walks over to you and asked, "are you alright? I heard you coughing, do you need some water or something?"

You try not to pass out from his deep soothing voice and shake your head, with a fake smile you say, "I'm alright thank you."

He nodded, and returns the smile, "ok," he says gently, and takes a seat a few down from you.

Your mind goes wild with thoughts, 'wow, he's British. He's so kind, he actually asked if I was ok! I love his eyes, they're such a beautiful blue, an-.'

You nearly jump out of your seat when the blue-eyed man taped you on the shoulder, "we're boarding now if you're on this flight, which I'm assuming you are."

You swallow, and manage a smile, quickly turning away to grab your carry on suitcase and your black briefcase, turning back around you are slightly relieved and slightly disappointed that's he's not still there.

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now