Secret love- part 2 - Loki

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Takes place 2 weeks after part 1.

"Hey so do you wanna get out sometime?" You asked taking a bite out of your roll one lunchtime, Tony and the team were away and you were left alone with the god of mischief.

"Well if you didn't notice, we don't exactly get a lot of time to ourselves, except when the rest of the Avengers are out like now, but then that's only for about an hour," Loki responded.

"Yeah, but I mean I reckon I could work out a way to get us the day off...," you stated, slightly drawing out the last word for some effect you hadn't thought out, but you liked it, "we could go into the city and have some fun."

Loki sighed and looked at you seriously, "and how do you plan to do that?" he asked.

"I haven't thought of it yet," you reply, "but I will, don't underestimate my persuasive power."

"Ehehehe, I do not," Loki laughed, "I trust you. One question though, did you lose something yesterday?" He asked pulling a pink phone from his pocket.

You wrinkle your forehead and reach for it, "yes... hey!" You squeal as he jerked it away with a smirk.

"What are you doing?" You ask, "I was looking for that forever! Give it back!"

Loki chuckled and stood up from the table, holding the phone out of your reach, "nope, if you want it you have to get it."

You pursed your lips, jumped up from the table and lunged for your phone but missed, you shook your head and laughed, enjoying seeing the lighter, carefree side of the god of mischief - ha, mischief... how fitting to your current situation.

You lunged for your phone a second time but Loki dodged you and ran to the other side of the room, "bet you can't get it," he teased with a smirk.

"Oh I bet you I can!" You shot back chasing after him as he took off down the long hallway.

You followed him into a living room where there was a TV, fireplace and a long couch that sat against one wall, you quickly ran forward and pushed Loki over onto it, climbing over him in an attempt to retrieve your phone.

The trickster immediately used his magic to make your phone disappear into thin air, making you pout in defeated, "give it baaack," you wined, still sitting on top of him.

He smirked and held his empty hands up, "how?" He asked, "It's gone."

You pursed your lips and leaned down so that your faces were a few inches apart, "what would it take to get it to reappear?" You ask, "is there a cost?"

He winked and smirked again, implying you meant something else, so you picked up the nearest pillow and smacked him with it, "excuse me?!"

"Hey!" He laughed covering his face with his hands as you repeatedly used the pillow as a weapon, before snatching it away from you and throwing it across the room.

"I didn't mean-, I meant," you began before Loki cut you off.

"I know what you meant, I just wanted to see your reaction. I'm sorry I'm not desirable," he replied sarcastically.

As soon as he said that you leaned over and placed a kiss on his perfect lips, which he immediately returned, bringing his hands to your sides and caressing them. You started to deepen the kiss, leaning down so more of your body was pressed to his, running a hand through his soft black hair while the other rested on his shoulder.

You then let out a small squeal as Loki flipped you over onto your back, hovering over you, looking into your eyes for a few seconds before kissing you again. You slide on arm under his, caressing his side while your other tangled itself in his hair again, tugging on it gently.

A few moments later you both pull away due to lack of air and stared into each other's eyes, you panting slightly. Loki smiled, not smirk, but a genuine smile, "I was only fooling you know," He asked, his voice raspy.

"I wasn't," you replied and closed the distance between the two of you with another kiss.

Suddenly you heard footsteps and a voice call out, "Ayy y,n, reindeer games? Where you two at?"

You both scooted away from each other, Loki using his magic to fix his hair which you had ruffled as you lunged for the remote to switch the TV on, before jumping back to the couch.

A few seconds later Tony entered the room, "there you guys are," he stated, then turned his attention to the TV, that realised you hadn't managed to switch to a suitable channel.

"I didn't pick you as a fan of Paw Patrol reindeer games," Tony stated with a smirk.

Loki was about to respond when you cut in, "oh he loves it," you answered.

"Hey I'm not one to judge," Tony answered and turned for the exit, but you could hear him snickering as he left the room.

You turned to Loki and he glared at you, making you giggle, "what?" You ask teasingly. Leaning over to you, the trickster brushed some hair away from your ear, placing a soft kiss on your neck before whispering, "your gonna pay for that tonight."

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now