Lavender and candles - Loki

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You have been feeling terrible all day - heavy, sniffly and a splitting headache, and what makes it worse is that you were at work all day.  After texting Loki that you were feeling rotten, you leave work and drive home - almost hitting a bird on the way there.

Finally arriving home you turn off the car and trudge up the stairs to your apartment, number 11 on the 22nd floor; sticking your key into the locked door and turning it, you open the door to see candles everywhere. Their glow light up the room, so much so that you didn't notice the lights were off; shocked and in somewhat of a trance from the beautiful atmosphere, you set your bag and keys down on the table and look around.

There are gorgeous ivory candles set on the kitchen counter, the living room table, on shelves and practically any flat surface off of the floor, you can't help but smile, you even feel a little better, and the warmth of the room calms your headache.

Suddenly Loki appears from another room and smiles sweetly at you, "when you told me you weren't feeling well, I wanted to make something to cheer you up when you got home," he says.

"Oh, it's absolutely beautiful - I already feel better; but really, you didn't have to go to all the trouble," you say, feeling slightly guilty.

"Anything for you petal," he says softly, crossing the distance between the two of you quickly and taking your hands in his, "I've already run a bath for you."

You are suddenly speechless, "t-thank you," you manage, "that's so sweet."

Loki smiles at you, "and afterwards we can cuddle up on the couch and watch one of your favourite movies if you want."

"But I don't want you to catch whatever I have," you protest gently.

"I'm not of Midgard remember?" Loki reminds you, "so I am not susceptible to any sickness you have; I'll be fine."

You sigh with relief inwardly, then nod, "ok," you smile.

"Let's get you to a nice relaxing bath," Loki replies, after helping you to the bathroom, he shuts the door gently, giving you some privacy.

As you turn and look, you see there are more candles on the edges of the bath, and a new fluffy purple towel on the rack, before you could even manage an 'awww', you smell the gorgeous scent of lavender and realise Loki has used the bath salts you love. You strip and slid in - the water is perfect temperature and a sigh of contentment leaves your lips as the water envelops you, like a warm blanket.

After your bath, you dry yourself with the soft towel and let the water out, then you notice Loki has set you a set of PJ's on the bath mat - they are fleecy full-length pants and a soft T-shirt, they're your favourite ones - they have little yellow ducklings printed on them. There's also your pink fluffy robe hanging on the back of the door, as well as your unicorn slippers set by the door.

You dress and step into your slippers, following the smell of garlicky mushroom soup, you walk into the kitchen and see Loki standing by the stove with your favourite mushroom soup recipe spread out on the counter.

"You didn't have to cook," you say, again feeling slightly guilty, "we could've just got take away."

Loki turns to you and smiles, "well, I want to take care of you, and I know this is your favourite," he says gently, "do you need an Asprin or something?"

"Yes thanks," you say, rubbing your forehead.

Loki scoots to the medicine cabinet, grabs out the packet of painkillers, then fills a glass of water and sets them on the kitchen table, motioning for you to sit; you do and take the pill, taking a drink of water to wash it down. Sitting at the table, you watch Loki as he finishes making the soup you love; at you had to admit, it was better than when you make it.

After dinner, Loki walks over to you, "do you want to watch a movie now?" He asks.

Feeling tired, you shake your head, "can I just go to bed?" You ask.

"Of course (Y, N)," Loki replies, and a few moments later you are snuggled up in your bed, propped up against some pillows watching 'The Notebook'. Loki had the genius idea to move the TV into the bedroom and use his magic to support it in the air at just the right height for you.

20 minutes into the movie you feel Loki slip his arm around your waist and pull you close, you snuggle close to him, resting your head on his shoulder. Loki strokes your hair lovingly as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, and you are asleep only 2 minutes later.

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now