Car crash (Part 2) - Loki

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"Miss (Y,L,N)?" I awoke to someone gently shaking my shoulder, "the doctors are happy for you to see Mr Odinson now if you want to," the nurse from earlier explained.

"Oh!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I looked at my watch and gasped, it was 7:14 in the morning - I had slept for hours! I quickly got up, told the nurse I would be five minutes and ran to the bathroom. After fixing my makeup and hair I ran as fast as I could to room fifteen; a doctor was out front, "ahh, Miss (Y, L,N)?"

"Yes," I replied, "please can I see my boyfriend now?"

He nodded, "of course," and opened the door for me, then shut it once I entered.

I looked over at the bed in the centre of the room and saw Loki laying on it with his eyes closed, his left arm was in a cast and many bruises littered his face as well as a stitched-up gash above his eye.

I quickly walked over to him and took a seat next to the bed, seeing him like that, I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes, it looked like that must of been so painful.

Slowly, Loki opened his eyes and movies his head slightly to the right to look at me.

"Hi," I said softly, with a sad smile.

Loki smiled weakly and reached out his right arm to me, I took his hand in mine, careful not to touch the IV drip, "are you alright?" I asked, then scoffed, "I know that's a stupid question given the situation but I can't think of any else to say right now."

"T-the doctor," Loki began, his voice breathy, "said that you waited all night to see me, you didn't have to do that."

I squeezed his hand gently, "yes I did," I whispered, then cleared my throat, "besides, I know you would have done the same if it were me."

Loki brushed his thumb over the back of my hand, "I love you y,n," he stated, then his eyes turned wistful, "do you remember our first dance?"

I nodded, "yes, I do, I loved every moment of it," I replied.

"I want so badly to be able to do that again," he replied, then his expression changed to one of sadness, "but, the doctors say that the damage done to my knee is extensive, it basically shattered. They did their best to fix it in surgery last night but they fear I may never be able to walk again. I won't be able to take you to that dance festival you wanted, I don't want to let you down by having no partner."

Seeing the worry on his face I masked my own and gently reassured him, "hey, everything thing's gonna be ok. The doctors are smart, and with your magic, I'm sure you will be healed in no time."

Loki looked only slight reassured by my words, but he nodded anyway.

"Breath love, breath in and let it out slowly," I instructed.

Loki obeyed and I smiled, "good, you keep doing that and you'll heal in no time. You know the body is most likely to heal it's self when it's not preoccupied with stress."

Loki squeezed my hand, looking up into my eyes with still a hint of fear in his own, "I want to believe you," he admitted.

"Then do," I replied kindly, leaning over and kissing his head, "don't worry my love," I whispered and attempted to place another kiss on his forehead, but Loki let go of my hand and guided my face to meet his lips.

"Thank you," he breathed once we broke the kiss.

"For what?" I asked.

"For being there for me," he replied.

I smiled sweetly, gently stroking his cheek, "touche."

I decided to let Loki get some rest, so I pulled the curtain across and left the room, shutting the door behind me. I stood motionless for a few seconds, trying to process everything: 'ok so he can't take me to the dance festival, big deal. But he was so beat up from the crash and the doctors fear he may never walk again.' 

I felt sick, and a terrible feeling crawled into the pit of my stomach when I thought of how close Loki had come to death; my hands started to shake so I clasped them together, but soon my entire body was quivering like a leaf in the wind. I lowered myself into a chair outside the room, buried my face in my hands and cried silently.

A few moments later I felt a hand rest on my shaking shoulders, I jumped and looked up to see a kind looking nurse with greying blonde hair, who looked about in her early fifties, "are you ok sweetheart?" She asked.

I tried to answer but all I could do was shake my head as more tears fell down my cheeks. The nurse took a seat beside me and rubbed my shoulders gently, "you know Loki I'm guessing," she observed.

I nodded, "he's my boyfriend," I managed through tears, " the doctors say he may never walk again."

The nurse frowned slightly, "oh sweetie," she sighed, "I'm so sorry. Do you know if it's a spinal injury or broken bone?"

"It's his knee," I sniffed, "it's shattered, even after an operation."

"Try to have some hope darling," she replied, "any injury that's not a spinal injury usually has at least a 50-60% chance of a complete recovery."

I smiled a small, barely noticeable smile, "I'm glad to hear that," I responded.

"Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?" The nurse offered.

"Coffee would be great actually," I answered quietly," I usually get one every morning."

She smiled, "I'll go make you one," she stated getting up, then turned back to me, "I know you've been here all night, there's a kitchen just down the corridor if you want to make yourself some toast or something."

"Thank you," I replied, then squinted to look at her name badge, "Leanna."

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now