Imagination - James Nicholls

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Y/L/N = your last name.

"You will never be good enough for anyone else! No man besides Mr Black will ever want you Y/N, or even pay you attention!" My mother yelled angerly after I had just turned down a proposal of marriage from a rich yet boarding (and ugly) man.

"I don't care if I'm not good enough for other men, " I replied calmly and picked up my notebook from a nearby table and slipped it into my dress pocket, "because when the right man comes along, I will be more than good enough," I finished and left the house.

"Y/N! Y/N!" My mother screeched, "get back here!"

But I ignored her and made my way to the park. I loved to take my notes book and pen and sit under a tree and write for hours. I then reached the entrance to the park and started down the dirt path, gazing at the beautiful nature, the sky, the tall trees.

"Excuse me, Miss," A voice came from behind me.

I turned and saw a young man standing in a white shirt, black pants and a brown vest. His golden hair was brushed back and a hat was in his left hand. A hat that looked strangely like it belonged to a soldiers uniform.

"Sorry Miss, but this notebook fell out from your pocket," he stated, holding the little brown book out to me.

I took it quickly, "Oh," I exclaimed, "I didn't notice. Thank you, Mr...."

"Nicholls," he answered, "James Nicholls."

"Y/N, Y/L/N," I stated and held out my hand to shake his, but instead he took it and placed a gentle kiss on top.

"A pleasure Miss Y/L/N," he said, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but see, when your book fell, it fell open to a page with the words, 'tógann samhlaíocht thú nach féidir leis an gcomhlacht'. I recognise the word 'samhlaiocht' as imagination, if you don't mind, what does it say?"

"Oh, it's Irish for 'Imagination takes you where the body cannot," I replied.

"Beautiful," Mr Nicholls answered, " I love imagining things, it helps the world seem happy when it is dull and lets us experience joy unknown to most."

I smiled, "exactly. I write down the adventures and beauty of things I imagine when I'm trying to escape sadness, but mostly for joy," I admitted.

"I very much understand," Mr Nicholls stated, "imagining does often help us evade sorrow." As he said that, a look of sadness crossed his face.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied, "it's that, I am worried for the war that is sneaking up on our country, it's a burden to be a captain in such times, many people look to you for guidance. I'd much rather be somewhere imagining the world away."

"A captain?" I said as something clicked in my mind, "Oh! You're thee, Captain James Nicholls! It's an honour to meet you, I really admire your courage."

He smiled, "thank you," he stated, "that means a lot, it really does."

"Well you deserve all my praise and more," I replied, "you're a very brave man Mr Nicholls."

He smiled again, "call me James, please."

I nodded, "alright then James," I responded," please call me Y/N."

"I enjoyed meeting you Y/N," James stated, "I wonder, if it's not to forward of me; if you would like to meet again?"

A little thrill of excitement filled my stomach, "I would love to," I answered.

James smiled, "wonderful," he said, "shall we meet here perhaps tommorow, same time?"

I nodded, "I'll be there."

"Well then, good day Miss," James replied, placed his hat back on his head, tipped it and continued walking down the dirt path.

I smiled to myself and headed back home - I couldn't wait to prove my mother wrong when I told her of my meeting with Captain James Nicholls .

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