Secret love - Part 4 - Loki

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You laughed at Thor's joke and got a glare from where Loki stood on the other side of the room, so you made a face back. It was a funny (somewhat embarrassing) story about when the two brothers were young on Asgard. The many guests laughed along with you, Thor beaming from being the centre of attention. Tony was hosting a party at the Avengers tower and had invited over 200 people, and you quickly learned that Loki wasn't one for parties when he retreated to standing in the deserted corner all night.

The pop of a champagne bottle sounded next to you and you spun around to see Tony standing in his Ironman suit ontop a table with the bottle - quite intoxicated. You shook your head, he could be so immature sometimes, but you respected him, he had been ready to sacrifice himself when he flew that nuke into the wormhole a few months ago.

You brush some hair out of your face as you except a glass that Tony hands you and down it all, you then make your way over to the trickster and lean against the wall next to him, your heels making you able to meet his eyes without craning your neck.

"How's it going here in the corner?" You ask, a hint of teasing in your voice, "you should come and enjoy the party."

"You do realize everyone in this room hates me right?" Loki replied.

"Not everyone," you reply, "I like you, you know Thor does, Nat doesn't hold anything against anyone and Tony is starting to like you I can tell."

Loki sighed, "I don't think so y/n, I'll just stay here."

Suddenly the music grew quite as Tony yelled out, "alright everyone grab a partner and jump on the dance floor, let's see some moves!"

Then some loud songs started playing as people did as Tony instructed, you turn to the trickster a smile playing on your lips as you begin to feel the effects of the alcohol running through your system, "come on," you say reaching for his hands.

He pulls away from you and shakes his head, "no y/n I don't dance," he stated.

"Anyone can dance!" You protest.

Loki only shakes his head, so you shrug, "fine then, suit yourself," you say and move onto the floor.

You start dancing to the music using your favourite moves, suddenly Tony waltzes up to you, now free of his armour and dressed in a black suit, "hey y/n, care to dance with the best?" He asks.

You smirk, "but can you keep up?" You ask as you both begin to dance with one another.

As you spin around you catch a glimpse of the god of mischief, he looked angry yet he seemed to be thinking deeply. You don't have time to think when Tony lifts you up by the waist in a swift movement, spinning you before placing you back on the floor. You let out a laugh as the music stops and place a hand on Tony's shoulder, "that was great!" You exclaim.

You didn't really pay attention to his reply as you caught Loki's eye, then it dawned on you what he was angry about, he was jealous. But it was his fault really if he wouldn't dance with you, so you made your way over to the refreshment table and started up a convosation with Thor, Tony following after you.

"Hey," you smile at the god, pouring another glass of champagne for yourself and Tony.

"Sup pointbreak," Tony says nonchalantly, taking the offered glass from you.

Thor nods at Tony, "Y/N how are you?" he asks merrily.

"I'm good," you reply taking a drink from your glass.

"Did you have fun dancing?" He asked, "you know in Asgard we have these grand balls and parties with lots of dancing."

"Oh," you say, "did everyone participate, even your brother?"

"Yes of course," Thor answered.

Tony snorted a laugh, "I'd like to see that."

"That's strange, because he told me he doesn't dance," you tell Thor.

"He just doesn't like new places very much," he replied, then looked at you strangely, "why would you ask my brother to dance with you?"

"Uhh, I just thought I'd be nice," you quickly answer.

"Hmm, well, how about you dance with me?" Thor asks, "you are a very beautiful woman and I'd love the pleasure of your company."

You force a blush just because you know Loki likes it and would make him mad if you blushed at something his brother said, "thank you, I'd -".

Before you can finish your sentence you feel a hand on your shoulder, and turn around to see Loki, quickly shrugging his hand off you state, "Loki hey."

He nodded at the men and gives you a look that you completely understood and thought was quite funny, he was so jealous about you agreeing to dance with his brother.

"What?" You ask, the alcohol making your attempt to hide the relationship difficult, "you wouldn't dance with me, why shouldn't I dance  with your brother huh?"

Tony laughed again, "she's Thor's girl reindeer games," he stated, making Loki look like he was about to explode.

You and Thor quickly look at each other, "uhh no no we're not, we're not together," you say.

"Oh," Tony replies, "I just guessed, ok."

You all laugh awkwardly apart from Loki of course, before excusing yourself, and walking to the little deserted corner in the room, with the trickster following you.

He holds his arms out slightly, palms up in a 'what are you doing?' sort of way, "what was that?" He asks.

"As I said, you wouldn't dance with me and I wanted to dance," you reply.

"But you were flirting with him I saw it," he stated, "you were blushing and giggling."

"Damn someone's jealous," you say with a laugh, "you know I am allowed to blush other than only around you."

Loki sighs, "look y/n, I'm sorry, I just though something else."

You smile at him sweetly, "hey, you never need to doubt my affection for you you know?" You say, "I love you and I'm yours ok?"

He nodded and looked at you longingly, you sigh, "I'd kiss you right now but there are people around."

Just then you heard a noise and the both of you turn to see Tony, walking away from where you were standing facing the wall.

You look worriedly at Loki, "do you think he heard?" You ask.

"I don't know," he replied, "I don't know."

Loki/Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now