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"So what brought you to this side of the department? Your office is all the way at the other side."

Seungmin and Minho were now walking towards Seungmin's cubicle.

"I need your help to access the computer system."

Seungmin glanced at Minho, "Is this about the Black Mask?"

Minho raised an eyebrow at Seungmin, "How'd you know I'm handling the case?"

Seungmin laughed, "You're the talk of the station hyung, everyone thinks you can solve this in a month."

Minho groaned, "Why does everyone look up to me so much, the pressure isn't doing me any good!"

Minho honestly loves the attention and likes it when people think he's capable of something. But that's outside the force. He's basically a tiny little sheep inside his workplace.

Confident people can be vulnerable too you know.

Seungmin wrapped an arm around Minho, "Come on I know you can do it. You're smart... cocky, but smart."

Minho smacked Seungmin's chest, making the other groan in pain.

"Am I allowed to copy the recordings?"

Seungmin looked up at Minho as he sat in front of the monitor, "You want to copy the recordings? You've never done that before."

Minho shrugged, "There's a first for everything. Plus, I'm not staying here for the rest of the night watching a dozen recordings."

Seungmin laughed, "Alright fine."

Minho pulled out his notepad and checked every location the camera needs to be in and all the cameras pointing to a specific spot along with the date and time.

"How much longer?" Seungmin groaned, obviously bored out of his mind

Minho looked up at the younger, "This is gonna take a few more minutes."

Seungmin groaned louder, "Why do we even have to stay until you guys finish? It's not like you guys are toddlers!"

Minho rolled his eyes, "With all due respect Officer Kim, shut up or I won't treat you to a meal."

With that one sentence, Minho was able to stop Seungmin from complaining any louder. After 20 more minutes, Minho finally finished copying everything.

"Finally!!" Seungmin cheered

Minho laughed, "I should be saying that, not you."

"Do you know how suffocating it is in here? Ugh."

Minho laughed again, patting Seungmin's shoulder, "Thanks Officer Kim, I'll treat you to a meal soon."

Seungmin smiled, "You bully me so much that it makes me cringe to see you treat me with respect."

Minho rolled his eyes before the two bid the other goodbye. Minho walked back to his office and connected his hard drive to his laptop, ready to watch the security cameras.

"I should probably pee first."

Minho leaned against his desk as he fast-forwarded through most of the recording. Right now, his focus was on the front of the Kim Industries building, waiting for the CEO to step out.

Minho came to an abrupt stop when he finally saw the victim walk out of his office like a worm with legs.

He adjusted his position, sitting straight and watched the recording intently, his notepad right beside him for any notes.

The man sluggishly walked down the pavement. No one was around the area, Minho could tell. The other camera angles told him so.

A man suddenly walked up to the CEO, barely being seen due to his dark choice of colors in clothing.

"It's him.. the Black Mask.."

The two stood there for a while and it looked like they were conversing with each other. Suddenly the man in the black mask jabbed the back of the CEO's neck, knocking him out cold.

Black Mask carried the CEO, getting into a car and tying him up after setting him in the backseat. Minho switched camera angles, following the direction of Black Mask's car. Minho wrote down the plate number of the car he was using.

After a few minutes, Minho saw him pull up by a forest.

"Classic murder location.."

Black Mask threw the CEO to the ground, who was still unconscious, and just stood there, waiting for him to wake up (it was a full 10 minutes). When the man woke up, he was obviously startled.

Black Mask leaned down and it seemed like the two talked for a while. Minho sighed, waiting for them to finish. It was also pretty obvious that the CEO was begging for his life. But Black Mask was having none of it.

Suddenly, Black Mask stood up and shot the CEO.

Minho jumped, obviously not expecting him to kill him that time. Minho's mouth fell open in shock as Black Mask shot the CEO, not only once, but 13 times.

Yes, Minho counted it.

Plus, it was written on the report so..

Minho's brows furrowed. Why 13 times?

Minho stared at his screen as Black Mask stood there, staring at the now dead victim. After a few seconds, Black Mask started gathering up leaves and covered the body as best as he can. Once the body was no longer noticeable, he got into the car and left.

Minho noticed that he was wearing a black shirt, black jeans, black jacket, black gloves, black beanie, and of course, his black mask. That must be why not a single track is left, the guy is completely covered.

Minho sighed, writing down a few notes before switching to the next recording that'll tell him what happened to File case #2.

After fast-forwarding through the recording again, Minho stopped when he saw the student walking alone in the park.

After seeing her walk past the park the previous morning, Minho didn't see her walk back during their home time. Which can either mean that she didn't go home that night or she used a different route.

Although seeing her in the park at this hour makes Minho think that it was more of the former rather than the latter.

Minho watched and saw the girl just walking early in the morning when suddenly, a man started dragging her. Minho paused the recording and examined Black Mask's clothes.

He was still wearing that black mask but his clothes now aren't as dark as before. He was wearing a green shirt and some jeans.

His choice of clothes got Minho thinking.

Was he only careful with his first victim?

Did he get cocky and decided to wing it just because he wasn't caught the first time?

Minho pressed play and continued watching the recording again.

Black Mask started dragging the girl to a more isolated part in the park. Minho knows this is the less-visited part of the park since he often goes there when he has time. There weren't any other people there at that time anyway so there was no use dragging her there.

Black Mask threw the girl to the ground and stabbed her twice before running off. The moment Black Mask ran away, a girl suddenly ran to the student who was basically begging for help.

"Must be the witness.."

After the first two recordings, Minho's mind was already filled with questions. Watching the rest will probably make his head explode already.

Unveil: Black Mask | Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now