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Minho bobbed his head along with the music playing from his stereo. He wasn't originally planning on coming home tonight but he figured he should listen to Felix's nagging before he drags him home.

Minho's brows furrowed as he saw someone waving to him from the side of the road. The man looked a bit haggard and Minho thought that maybe he needed help.

He pulled over and got out of his car, "Is everything okay?"

The man ran to him, panic written all over his face, "Please help me! Someone's chasing after me!"

Minho became alert, "Where are they?"

The man smirked, "Nowhere."

Just like that, Minho's world turned black.

Minho felt himself regain consciousness but didn't open his eyes. He relied on his hearing to at least have an idea of his whereabouts. He can hear dirt hitting the floor. Which means someone is probably digging something up.

Minho froze. Either that person was digging something up...  or they were going to bury something.. or someone.

Minho opened his eyes slightly and saw the person's back turned towards him. He soon realized that both his arms and legs were tied up.

'Of course I'm tied up, why wouldn't I be?'

Minho silently tried to wiggle but the ropes were too tight on his skin and it burned. Minho looked around to see if there was anything he could use to cut the stupid rope. He saw a few pieces of broken glass a few feet away from him.

Minho glanced at his captor and saw that he was still busy with digging, it wasn't even that deep yet. Minho slowly tried to wiggle his way towards the broken glasses while keeping his gaze at his captor.

After a few more seconds of struggling, he was literally near the glass. But of course, fate wasn't on his side.

"Look who's awake."

Minho's head snapped towards his captor, giving him a death glare.

"What the hell do you want from me?!"

The man chuckled, "You? Not much. Your dead body is enough."

"What did I even do to you?!"

The man's face hardened, "A punishment is ordered, and it must be done."

"What are you talking about-"

"Say goodbye to your boyfriend in your prayers."

The man was about to grab Minho's arm but stopped when he heard the cock of a gun.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him."

Minho's eyes widened as that voice sounded awfully familiar.

The man smirked, "Jisung, how nice of you to join the party."

Jisung kept his composure, the gun still aimed at the man, "Step away from Minho Youngho."

Youngho mockingly stepped back, his hands raised in surrender. Minho wiggled towards Jisung, settling behind his legs.

"I would've turned you in earlier if I could." Jisung glared at the man before him

Youngho grinned, "Yeah but your dumbass just had to get caught-"

Youngho was cut off by the firing of a gun. He jumped as the bullet went past his leg.

"I hope you know that I never miss."

Guess that firearm training from Minho is starting to pay off.

Youngho regained his composure, "Give it up Jisung. You really think I came alone?"

Jisung turned as he heard multiple guns being cocked, all pointed towards him and Minho.

"Well shit." Minho mumbled beside him, now free from the tight ropes

This was the first time Minho felt overpowered. Minus his and Jisung's personal time- but that's a different story.

Minho turned to his side and literally felt his eyes bulge out.

"Officer Yoon!"

The said officer smirked, "Surprised to see me?"

Minho's mouth fell open as he stared at Jisung who wasn't too shocked.

"Did you know about this??"

Jisung glanced at Minho for a second before his gaze went back to Youngho, "Why do you think I was staring behind you at the interrogation room?"

"That's right Minho, Officer Yoon is with me. And after we finish Minho off, I'm coming for you Jisung. I'll make sure you have the slowest and most painful death."

"What do you even want from the both of us??" Minho butted in

"Both of you owe me! This bastard broke the contract! I will not let that pass!"

Minho slowly turned to Jisung as soon as he realized, "What contract?"

"Your boyfriend here signed a contract to work under me!"

Jisung growled, "I was tricked! You're a manipulator!"

Youngho was about to yell back but was cut off by Minho who held out his hand, "Wait! Before you yell back..."

Minho turned to Jisung, "What contract?"

Jisung rolled his eyes, "Remember that contract about a job promotion and he was 'sent' by my boss? It was a scam."

Minho gasped, "Ohh, THAT contract. Okay continue."

Youngho rolled his eyes and pulled out a gun from his back pocket, cocking it and aiming it at Jisung, "Time to meet your death Jisung, and I'd happily introduce you to it."

Jisung remained unfazed, "That is, if you succeed."

Jisung whistled and suddenly they were surrounded by police cars. Several cops stepping out of the vehicle, their guns pointed at the rivals. Minho's eyes widened.

'Jisung called for backup?'

"You're outnumbered. Drop that gun, and turn yourselves in."

Youngho looked around, his eyes showing fear. He slowly lowered his gun. Jisung started to lower his, but that was a mistake.



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