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Minho was right. His head did feel like it was about to explode.

Minho walked around his office, his notepad in hand as he tried addressing every question formulated inside his head.

He just finished watching all the recordings half an hour ago and man his head felt heavy. Too many questions, not a single answer.

The more he watched the recordings, the more he found himself becoming more confused yet intrigued with Black Mask.


Okay we'll share what happened to the other victims.

Well you already know that the 1st one was brought to a forest before he was shot 13 times. After that, Black Mask covered him in a pile of leaves.

The 2nd victim was dragged to an isolated area in the park. She was stabbed twice before Black Mask ran off.

Now for the 3rd victim. She had a pretty gruesome death. She was knocked out as soon as she left her house and was brought to an empty parking lot where Black Mask burned her alive before shooting her halfway. Black Mask literally stood there and watched until the fire died down. Kinda sick though. After that, she was stuffed in a sack before being thrown in a big garbage can near a hospital.

The 4th victim was seen walking out of the convenience store when Black Mask approached him. The two talked for a while before they were seen walking to an alleyway. Black Mask didn't waste any time and shot him 3 times before running.

The 5th victim could be seen walking near an alleyway when he suddenly fell. Minho knew what those were. Tranquilizer darts. How? He saw it of course. The victim was brought to an empty warehouse where he was tortured by getting severe cuts until Black Mask shot him 4 times. Once he was done, he left the body next to a pile of boxes outside the warehouse.

The 6th victim was walking around a subdivision when Black Mask suddenly attacked him. The victim could be seen putting up a fight as he tried to defend himself, but Black Mask was stronger and beated him up real good. And if that wasn't enough, Black Mask stabbed him before leaving him there to die alone.

The 7th victim, his most recent victim, just walked out of the middle school when she was also shot with a tranquilizer dart. She was soon brought to an abandoned building where Black Mask beated her up and then stabbed her 5 times. Once she was completely unconscious, Black Mask put her inside an abandoned car where the cops soon found her.

Minho stood still in the middle of his office, trying to get his head to think straight.

Why is it that he has a pattern for his schemes for every case?

For one case, he'll leave the victim somewhere after he's done with them. For the next, he'll just run off, leaving them wherever they are. The pattern will continue from that, going back to the first one.

Minho also noticed how for every case, there's also a pattern between either bringing them somewhere before finishing them off or just killing them on the spot.

Minho saw that for some of the cases, Black Mask utilized a vehicle. During the first recording, he thought he'll be able to track down the owner of the vehicle.

But when he watched the 3rd recording, the car changed. For the next few vehicles used, the car kept changing.

"Rented cars... smartass.."

Minho planned to track down these cars' plate numbers earlier to see which company they belong to. After that, he's going to interview the workers regarding the info of their customers.

Minho knew that Black Mask would probably use a fake identity, but hey, it's worth a shot.

Minho ran his fingers through his hair as he wondered if those patterns that he saw had a meaning.

Are they really patterns or is he just overthinking things?

He walked back to his desk and played the last recording again.

Minho stared at Black Mask as he did his business with his most recent victim. It was extremely uncomfortable for him to watch, but he needed to.

Just as Black Mask was about to stab his victim, something inside Minho's head snapped.

Minho hurriedly paused the recording where Black Mask's arm was raised high in the air, waiting to lunge forward.

Minho squinted at the screen as his eyes can barely make out Black Mask in the recording. Minho quickly read through his notes as he realized he even took note of what Black Mask was wearing for every case.

Another pattern.

For one, he was wearing all black. The next, he's wearing random colors. Then it continues from there.

Minho leaned against his desk, his brows met in frustration and confusion.

Why the hell does he act, dress, and handle things differently for every case like it was some sort of pattern?

Minho gasped.


Minho's thoughts were cut short when he heard his phone's ringtone. Minho pulled out his phone and saw that Jisung was calling him.

Minho smiled before answering the call, "Hey Sung, what's up?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're doing well. You stayed there overnight last night and I'm not even sure you're still eating."

Minho laughed, "I'm okay baby, I'm still eating properly. Chan and Felix dragged me to the cafeteria a few hours ago. Did you eat yet?"

He heard Jisung laugh, "I can always count on those two. And yeah I already ate. I'll see you soon baby okay?"

Minho smiled, "Of course. I love you."

"I love you too."

Minho hung up on the phone, feeling his heart beat fast. Even after dating for years, Jisung could still manage to make his heart beat fast.

Minho glanced at his notepad again. He needs to speak to Seungmin. Fast.

"Do you know what time he'll get back?"

"Sorry Detective Lee, I don't. If you want, I can inform him once he gets back."

Minho smiled, "No it's okay, don't worry about it."

Minho sighed, leaning against the reception desk.

'Of all days Seungmin, you had to be gone today??'

He was looking for Seungmin but he just found out that the said officer went out to run some errands.

Minho pulled out his phone and was about to text Seungmin when screaming was suddenly heard from outside the station.

Minho looked up, completely unfazed.

These kinds of things are already normal for them. Screaming, fighting, thrashing, anything violent basically. They see it everyday. What's new?

Minho squinted his eyes and saw Changbin and Hyunjin, also experienced officers, dragging a screaming man with Seungmin trailing behind them.

Now he was interested.

"Let me go!"

Minho walked to the front of the station and held the door open so the 2 officers could come in with ease.

"What's going on?" Minho asked as the 2 dragged the thrashing man inside

"We found him."

Minho turned to Seungmin who walked up beside him.

Minho's brows furrowed, "Who??"

"Black Mask."

Unveil: Black Mask | Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now