🔪 Michael Myers:. Cinderella, But Gone To Sh*t {2}

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Category:. Romance

Note:. The ending of this one is spicier than before. The main change is the pronouns, detail additions, and some dialogue outside of the ending! I hope y'all like it!





Your heart lurched in your throat as you were startled out of sleep, the banging on the door having shaken you from an already awful nightmare the night previous. You prayed the knocking would end, that whoever was out there would take the hint that no one was coming to the door and eventually leave.

You thought someone in the heavens had heard your prayers when the relentless knocking suddenly came to a stop, a sigh of relief escaping your lips as your eyes fluttered back closed. You were in the comfort of Lorali's bed, for once not the small straw bed in the shed outside, but you couldn't forget the look on her face. The look of terror on her painted face, eyes widened in horror and mouth stretched into a forever scream. You still felt the warm, sticky blood, the smell of metal, and death everywhere you looked, and in the middle of it all, the jumpsuit-wearing killer. He gave you back your forgotten shoe, while he couldn't be that bad, he was still dangerous-


Wasting no time in jumping from the bed, exhaustion, and fright fighting behind your eyes, you took hold of the iron rod next to the fireplace you had tended to often, and braced yourself as you headed down the hallway. You could hear remnants of what you assumed to be the door scattering across a freshly waxed hallway. Crouching low, you crawled your way to the landing looking at the front hallway and living room.

The stomping of boots shook the house.

'How did he find me?' Your mind raced, seeing that dreaded white mask swinging its head around, looking for something. Looking for you. Turning back around you began making your way back down the hall, hoping to find a hiding spot before Michael found you out in the open. However, the iron poker had other plans as it clattered to the ground while you were attempting to stand.

'This is it, this is where I die,' You closed your eyes hoping it was all a bad dream, waiting for the rumbling of boots to make its way up the stairs and towards you to finish the job. When you heard nothing, you opened your eyes and shrieked away from the figure towering over you. Your hand clutched your chest as you backed away from him, only finding a wall behind you that you huddled as close as you could too, hoping it'd swallow you whole.

But Michael didn't move aside from a reached-out hand being offered to you, no hint of deadly silver in other that swung loosely by his side. He slowly crept closer, gently, as if he was attempting to get a rabid dog to sniff his hand. With nothing else to lose and considering he was being so gentle, you took his hand, your own trembling in terror, but voice smooth.


Micheal grunted a reply before pulling you hard into his chest and scooping you up into his arms, the swiftness of it had you yelping in surprise. You weren't expecting to be carried bridal style just seconds after having the door kicked down by a serial killer who was now kidnapping you, but then again, nothing in the last 24 hours seemed to be going right. Stealing a glance at a clock as he began to move, it was nearly 10 pm on October 31st, you'd slept all day, a first in a very long time if ever.

Michael was quicker than you had expected. With every blink, you found yourself in a new location, even as children, parents, and regular Halloween patrons lined the streets, no one noticed you two, almost as if he were moving between the shadows themselves. He did not indicate where he was going, not until he finally began to slow down, allowing you to take in the sights.

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