Chapter 2

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"You really need to make friends Jungkook" Jin spoke "Why? I don't need friends" Jungkook spoke crossing his arms "Jungkook, you've went your whole life without friends, then you met me, and I'm just your doctor" Jin spoke "I don't want to make friends, they'll leave me when they find out about how I can't fucking sleep but an hour a night if I'm lucky! Most nights I only get fifteen minutes!" Jungkook snapped at the elder "Jungkook, maybe a friend will help, did you think of that?" Jin asked with a firm tone which made Jungkook instantly shut up and think.

"who then? Do I just go out and be like 'Hey! I'm an insomniac asshole that's depressed! Be my friend!" jungkok spat and Jin sighed, gritting his teeth, sometimes Jin just wanted to punch the younger.
But in all reality Jungkook was scared of the elder, Jin wasn't mean, ever.
But he can get mad, and the way jungkook treats him, anyone would be surprised he isn't laying on the ground with a broke nose at this point.

That's when the younger signed "I'll think about it then" Jungkook spoke before grabbing his black hoodie and standing up.

Soon leaving Jin with a short wave.


The streets were peaceful, the only thing that calmed Jungkoks warped mind.
He looked like a zombie all the time, his eyes red, dark blue bags underneath his perfect brown orbs.

But sometimes even the outdoors couldn't help Jungkooks mind ease, sometimes his thoughts consumed him.
Even though he outdoors for him was just about the only calming thing it still scared him, especially thunder storms, last Thunderstorm he was in he had a major panic attack, one that almost killed him, he wasn't getting the air he needed in his lungs, and it was almost his death.

And now he had to make friends...Which was one of his nightmares, but in real life.
He hated meeting new people, because he was afraid of rejection, he was afraid his Insomnia would be a red flag to people, so he didn't try.

Jungkook has Jin of course, But Jin was only a Doctor, it felt like he was just there because it was his job to be there.

Jin was jungkooks Doctor for just about everything.
He was Jungkooks counselor, sleep tester, and insomnia specialist.

He tried so hard, But for jungkook he couldn't escape from anything, because the moment he fell asleep, it was a nightmare, and the moment he woke up, it was yet another nightmare.

He felt like a walking nightmare, and his slowly coming death would be the only thing that gets him to finally sleep.

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