Chapter Five

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"If you don't give it your all! Then what are you doing here!?"Aizawa shouted at Lucy. Her face stoic. "I saw what you did in the practical exam! Why are you slacking off!? You are no real hero!"

Kacchan clenched his fist tightly, he didn't like him shouting at her one bit. He clenched his teeth and looked away, she was no longer his business.

Lucy had jogged her way to the finish line of the 50-meter run. "Both you and Izuku are not trying hard enough!! I'll ask again!! Why are you here!?"

"I want to become a hero,"Lucy answers.

"Well then, I am going to put it simply, Lucy and Izuku. Give it your all. Or you can both say goodbye to U.A."He turns away from them.

"Re-do the 50-meter run."He orders. Izuku gulps, he would be breaking his legs. But he couldn't fail, he couldn't fail this.

I'm going to give it my all, Izuku thinks to himself determined. He gets down on position, readying One For All. He would try focusing it on just one foot. He applied his body weight on his left leg.

Lucy dug her hands onto the hot ground, her feet digging harshly into the dirt. Her eyes brows furrowed as sweat rolled down her forehead. She bore no quirk, she has magic. She wasn't going to open her gates and reveal her triumph card, she wouldn't do that against a villain. Going all out right away was just dumb.

"GO!"Aizawa shouts.

Izuku's leg visibly grows muscular. He pushes his body forward, the strength of the lunge leaving cracks in the dry ground. Mid-way through his run, he feels his quirk give out. His leg was already broken. Seeing as he was falling and would scrape his body, Lucy lunges closer to him, leaving a mark where she had started. In a blink of an eye, she was beside him, she crashed onto the ground with Izuku on top of her. Her skin burned as her it tore open with the rough and hot ground.

"Izuku! Lucy!"Ochako shouts and runs to them. She drops to her knees and helps Lucy sit up.

Lucy hisses at the pain but steadies as she holds a pain filled Izuku. His hands trembling. Why was his quirk acting this way? She could have Gemini check it out for her, but that would be intruding and rude on her behalf.

"What happened?"Lucy asked as Izuku regained his posture.

"I-I don't know..."Izuku mutters and sits up. By now they all surrounded them, concern evident in their face.

"You need to get that leg checked out Midoriya!!"Tenya says.

Lucy helps Izuku up. She rolls her shoulder, she had fallen on it. And it was stinging as it took the fall and scratched.

"You're bleeding."

Lucy looks up at the white and red haired guy. He was pointing at her arm, indeed, blood was rolling down, marking the gym clothes.

"I'm fine."Lucy lets out and wipes the blood. She glares at Aizawa but says nothing.

"Life is unfair. Villains don't care. You must always use your quirk, and if you have no control over it. Then don't use it at all."Aizawa mutters. "You are here to become heroes. For that, you must give it your all. Go to the infirmary, get Recovery Girl to check your wounds."

"I'm fine."Lucy spat out. Izuku nods as well.

"I can finish."He pants and tries ignoring the pain in his leg.

Kacchan was staring with wide eyes at the sight. Flames of fury engulfing his eyes, what was up with Izuku's power!!? How was he able to move to fast! He hadn't even had time to process his moves before he was knocked to the ground. Lucy catching him. She had caught him. And she was wounded now. Because of him.

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