4. Restraint

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"Here, try some of the tiramisu," Mina nudged the small cake plate across the table towards Taehyung. "It's seriously to die for,"

They'd ended up in a small plant cafe on the other side of the district, where Mina treated him to a coffee, as promised. Taehyung had to admit it was nice not to have to go straight home after school. Even though he didn't know Mina well yet, he'd decided she was alright. He had no way of knowing if they'd be close, but he liked her company.

"It's ok, thanks though," Taehyung gently slid it back, giving an appreciate smile.

"What, no sweet tooth?"

"Too much of one, actually,"

Mina paused. "So, you're on a diet, then? I used to be on one too, but I kind of accepted I wouldn't make it as a trainee, you know? And I was seriously miserable without dessert, so I just said fuck it to the whole thing. I definitely gained some extra kilograms, but this face wasn't going to get me into the big three anyways, so who cares,"

Taehyung was never sure exactly what to say to her bursts of minute oversharing. "As long as you're happy, that's what matters,"

He shrugged, "But, I'm not on a diet. Just trying to work on my impulse control, I guess,"

"So you're torturing yourself... just to prove you can?" She took a sizable bite of the cake.

"When you say it like that it really does sound dumb," He smirked, eyes falling to his coffee mug.

"Yeah, I don't know why you'd do that to yourself," Mina mumbled matter of factly through her mouthful of tiramisu. "I'd die if I had to drink that godawful stuff black,"

"You'd get used to it,"

"No way," she smirked, "Never," She brought a napkin to her lips, wiping crumbs and a bit of pink lip stain onto the white square. "Seriously, just one bite won't kill you,"

"If I eat one bite, I'll go back up and order a slice for myself. And then maybe another, seriously, I have no idea how to stop,"

"I don't get you," Mina shrugged and continued eating.

"Yeah, join the club,"

"Well at least your mom probably doesn't yell at you for eating too much,"

"She doesn't really yell at me for anything. I don't think she has time to,"

"You're so lucky,"

"Yeah, I guess,"

The chatter of the cafe was enough entertainment for Taehyung as the two let their conversation fizzle out while Mina continued eating her cake. He listened to slivers of conversations around them, and watched Mina eat.

It really was true. Taehyung had never been good at staying away from the things he liked. And moderation wasn't in his vocabulary. It didn't only pertain to food, though.

But he supposed it was a strength, in many ways. With photography, for example, he'd devoured every book on the subject that he could find when he first dipped his toe into the creative waters. He practiced and practiced, in all the free time he had. As a result, he really did feel like he'd become quite skilled at it. And that was something he was proud of.

A gift and a curse, Taehyung mused to himself. His all or nothing approach to the things he loved had made him quite chubby as a child. Too much of a sweet tooth, just like he'd said. But he found it was possible to control himself if he just went cold turkey.

His mom had gladly helped him on his health journey as he got older, agreeing there wouldn't be any junk food in the house. She was happy to do it, being quite appearance conscious as it was. Taehyung was sure it gave her pleasure to watch her chubby young son grow into a lean, tall young man.

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