13. Fantasies

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His heart still sank when Jimin finally left. Taehyung was left alone with his thoughts once again...

Up in his room, he pulled out one of the pictures he'd taken of Jimin, that first night. He pulled out one of jungkook, too.

What was it about them that had captured him this much? He still couldn't put his finger on it. But whatever it was, it was getting under his skin. It was an itch so deep he'd have to flay his own skin to reach it.

"Fuck," Taehyung muttered under his breath.

He shouldn't feel this way. He shouldn't think about them this much. He shouldn't picture what they do when they're alone together. They were his friends. But they were also handsome, and he'd never really seen them as friends, had he. Not from the moment he first saw them.

Maybe he hadn't been honest with himself about it, but he'd wanted them both from the second he laid eyes on them. A part of him had always known that maybe one day he'd meet a boy he'd be brave enough to admit he wanted. Taehyung just hadn't counted on meeting two.

This was as good a time as any to face the truth:

He'd wanted plenty of girls before, badly. There was nothing to question where those attractions were concerned. But Taehyung had never felt like this. The way Jimin and Jungkook made him feel... it was unprecedented.

And it wasn't just because they were handsome. Every little thing about them turned him on: Their voices, their kindness, the way they drew everyone to them, their determination, the way they moved, the way they smiled, the way they listened to him in a way that no one ever had- not in a long time, anyways.

Taehyung pulled out another handful of pictures, spreading them onto his bed around him. He sorted the ones of Jimin onto the top.

He could still imagine the way he smelled as they stood in the living room. Could practically still feel his taut body under his hands as they rode home. Everything was still so fresh in his mind, it made his chest ache even more now that he was gone.

If only Jimin had stayed. If only he'd taken off his shirt, allowed Taehyung to explore every piece of art on his body. Taehyung shivered at the thought of pressing his lips to that ink, tasting that smooth, marble skin. To press his lips where Jungkook's had been- at least where he hoped they'd been- to revel in the same pleasures.

Whatever Jimin and Jungkook had done to each other, Taehyung wanted to replicate ten-fold. He wanted everything and more. Hell, maybe he was crazy and they'd never laid a hand on each other. But Taehyung didn't let that kill his fantasy now.

Without thinking, without inhibitions, he unbuttoned his jeans, slipped his hand inside.

With all those pictures staring up at him, Taehyung slowly began to touch himself. He let thoughts of his dream come back to him. He let himself imagine what Jimin's lips would feel like on him, slow and soft.

I can't wait to watch you come.

It didn't matter that they weren't real. Those words were crystal clear in Taehyung's mind now. Jungkook's words.

"Fucking hell," Taehyung groaned, laying back on his bed, completely hard already. He bit his lip, continuing to pleasure himself as thoughts of Jimin's mouth plagued him. He imagined Jungkook saying those words over and over again, while Jimin took his entire length down his throat. Taehyung imagined winding his fingers into those dark locks, getting completely lost in the pleasure of it all.

He imagined planting a slow trail of kisses down Jungkook's neck, leaving love bites on his shoulder, kissing his perfect chest. What a privilege it would be to make him hard, to make him beg. If he could've heard just one moan out of either of those boys, Taehyung was quite positive he could've come right then. He wanted to be the one to make them moan like that.

Taehyung pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside.

A lustful heat was creeping its way through his bones, but he kept feeding the fire. He kept his hand moving, steadily, breaths becoming shorter as he let his imagination consume him. He continued until he was biting back moans, burning through his wick entirely.

He came- hard- panting into the stillness of his room. All he could do was cling to the pleasure-high as long as possible, refusing to come down. But soon, his labored breaths slowed. His tensed muscles melted into the sheets. The heat dulled and subsided as he lay there, nerves reverberating.

The images in his head made no move to go away, though, even as the minutes ticked by.

Taehyung rolled over, pushing his face into his pillow as he let out a frustrated groan. It probably didn't help that he still had pictures of Jungkook and Jimin scattered all over his mattress.

But even with them all put away, even with the lights out, even with his eyes closed, Taehyung found he was still consumed by his fantasies. He needed another way to get them out of his system. He needed more. But how the fuck was he supposed to get it?

Before the Dawn (jikook/ vminkook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant