- f r a c t u r e -

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It was like Taehyung's life up until that point hadn't been real.

He'd lived in a muted haze, and suddenly he'd been thrust into 4k technicolor and all of the cheesiest clichés in the book made sense. Jimin had just turned his dreams into a blazing reality, with searing touches and those rosebud lips- But the brilliance of it all was tarnished as quickly as it had come.


Taehyung's heart twisted painfully.

I'm sorry, I didn't know- well maybe I guessed- but I didn't know for sure, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Jimin just laughed, seemingly unaware of the awkward silence that hung around them all. Too drunk and too high to realize that the world around them was crumbling, or that's how it felt at least. Taehyung envied him, in so many ways.

"You know, I really didn't see that coming," Jimin laughed again, impressed. The rest of the circle shifted uncomfortably, fighting for anything at all to say, to start some side conversations again.

Could Jimin really be this dense? Maybe the kiss truly hadn't meant anything to him at all. Maybe that's why he didn't feel guilty for it. The thought stung, but Taehyung hardly even felt like he had the right to be hurt. Not when Jungkook looked as pained as he'd ever seen him.

Taehyung couldn't tear his eyes away from that boy's face. Realistically, he'd always assumed Jimin and Jungkook were only best friends. And now suddenly he knew how wrong that assumption had been.

He'd always wanted this to be true, to fuel his own selfish fantasies, to imagine them together, but now... he'd give anything to have been wrong. He'd give anything to take away whatever hurt Jungkook was feeling right now.

Taehyung felt the sudden need to backtrack, to say something, anything, to make this okay.

"I've never kissed anyone on E before," he swallowed hard, failing at his attempt to seem nonchalant. "It feels pretty crazy, right?"

Sure, blame it on the drugs, you coward, he chastised himself.

"Alright, we've all had our fun," Yoongi chimed in, "Maybe that's enough for now," He ended the game the same way he'd started it: abruptly.

Later Taehyung would think back on little things Yoongi had said in the past. Surely he'd known about Jimin and Jungkook all along. He'd seen the kiss for what it really was. And thankfully, had tried to dissipate some of the tension, although not in the most elegant way. "Anyone up for a game of Blue Marble?"

It was the only bait the other's needed, agreeing readily, conversations starting up again. With the attention safely focused elsewhere, Jungkook stood up, making his escape without a single word.

Finally, Jimin caught on to what was happening. He turned around to say something to the younger boy, only to see him disappear around the corner, heading up the stairs.

"Jungkook?" Jimin's voice was suddenly small, and suddenly far more sober than before. Without missing a beat he hurried after him, disappearing up the stairs as well.

Taehyung's lips ached, and his hands burned. Everywhere he'd touched Jimin was suddenly on fire. The guilt was eating him alive, but so was the distance. He wanted Jimin back in his arms so desperately, but he wanted Jungkook, too. He didn't want to hurt either of them.

All he wanted was to apologize, to confess his true feelings to Jungkook and tell him he never meant any harm.

Without thinking, Taehyung mumbled something about needing to go throw up, just in case anyone was listening or paying attention to him still, before he followed the boys upstairs.

Before the Dawn (jikook/ vminkook)Where stories live. Discover now