21. The audition

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"You've got to be kidding me," Yoongi's voice was flat. "They didn't tell us it was you who'd be auditioning,"

"I didn't think you were interested," Hobi seemed a bit shocked as well. So did all of the boys.

"I didn't think you'd have the balls," Jin half laughed, mumbling more to himself than anyone else.

Taehyung stood before them all in their practice room. He Keep kept his head up, willing the heat on his cheeks not to stain his skin with color.

Jungkook and Jimin said absolutely nothing.

"You once told me there was no harm in trying," Taehyung met Jungkook's gaze bravely. "So, here I am,"

Taehyung could hardly believe he'd chocked up the courage to do this after all.

All it had taken was an impulsive email to the school's head dance instructor, Mr. Nam, who was responsible for coordinating all auditions. He also had the final say in who made the cut and could join a team.

Which meant it wasn't just up to the boys. Which meant Taehyung might actually have a chance. Jungkook and Jimin couldn't make some excuse not to let him join just because they didn't want to be around him.

The rest of the members had surely felt some of the awkward distance that had come between them since the party, but they didn't seem to treat Taehyung too differently. He just didn't hang out with them like before.

Jungkook and Jimin must have known what was really going on.

Or they at least realized it was a way for him to wiggle himself back into their lives. Maybe that's where their awareness ended. Maybe they didn't realize Taehyung was also joining to spite them.

"Well, It seems we don't need any introductions considering you're all already acquainted," Mr. Nam cleared his throat. Was it possible even he could feel a vague tinge of discomfort in the room?

"Whenever you're ready, Taehyung, we can begin,"

Taehyung nodded. "I'm ready,"

He turned away from the wall where the six boys and Mr. Nam stood, all in an intimidating row.

Don't fuck this up.

This was his one chance. Taehyung's hands were shaking as he took his starting position and waited for the music to start. He prayed the music would mask the sound of his thundering heart, because surely everyone could hear it.

Taehyung was so nervous he couldn't recall a single movement he'd made. But he must've done the dance, because he ended in the correct position, winded. When it was over, no one clapped.

Taehyung's heavy breaths seemed to echo in the silent room as everyone finished jotting down some notes. Taehyung hadn't realized how serious this was going to feel. It wasn't just a high school team. Well, it was. But it was also so much more. It was the promise of a chance for a future in the industry.

Or in his case, a chance to be around two people who probably wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

"Well done, Taehyung," Mr. Nam was the first to break the silence, tucking his notepad under his arm. "We'll deliberate and give you our verdict tomorrow after school. Come back here at the same time, and we can discuss your audition,"

"Thank you," Taehyung did everything in his power not to show how mortified he was.

He'd really just danced in front of everyone. How the hell did he think he could possibly be good enough for this? He was so stupid. He'd been practicing a ton, sure, but there was no way it would be enough.

Well, it was too late now. He'd just have to wait and see.

"Thanks again for your time," He gave a short bow before turning to gather his bag.

"You did good," Taehyung heard Hobi's voice from behind him.

"Yeah, not bad," Jin echoed the words of encouragement, and Namjoon said a little something as well.

They're just being nice.

He didn't expect them to say anything, but Taehyung's heart still sunk when Jimin and Jungkook stayed silent.

By the time Taehyung was crawling into bed that night, he'd had all the time in the world to think. And he'd arrived at the conclusion that he'd made a mistake. A big one.

He groaned into his pillow, hugging it tightly over his face.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. He probably just made a fool of himself.

That was when he heard his phone buzz softly from beside him. Nervously peeking at the screen, Taehyung felt his heart stop for a moment.

It was a text from Jungkook.

You seemed really nervous today, so I thought
I might as well put you out of your misery.

Taehyung's heart had already begun to sink in his chest. Of course there was no way he'd ever make it. Of course he hadn't been good enough. How could he ever have convinced himself things would go any differently?

It was a close call, but you made it.

I made it? Taehyung blinked at his screen. Rubbed his eyes. Stared some more.



Taehyung felt the warm smile spreading across his cheeks before he could stop it.

You'll really have to work hard. And the others are probably
going to be hard on you. I will be, too. But congrats.

Well, fuck. Now what? Taehyung didn't know what to text back. He was still in shock or something.

He definitely hadn't thought this far ahead. The sudden realization of how much pressure would be on his shoulders now overwhelmed him. But then he thought of Jungkook and Jimin. It was worth it.

They might be uneasy around him now, but they couldn't refuse to see him. He didn't even know yet if he wanted to win them over as his friends again, or merely force them to have to deal with his presence on the daily.

He might've done this to spite them, but he also couldn't deny the growing warmth in his chest. He'd get to be close to them again.

Taehyung couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. To stand there in front of all of the boys and be accepted onto the team.

To be one of them.

When the moment finally came, all he could manage to do was suppress the biggest grin and look Jimin and Jungkook dead in the eyes.

"Well," He clapped his hands together, "It looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on,"

He couldn't even bring himself to be bothered that the looks on their faces were less than elated.

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