8. Rogue thoughts

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"Okay, taking pictures while wildly hungover is probably not the smartest move, but you can edit me, right?" Mina laughed, smoothing her hands over the front of her dress.

"Really, you look great," Taehyung assured her, getting into his photographer's stance before her, peering through the lens.

"We're friends now, you can't lie to me,"

"I promise, I'd never lie,"

"Good, I hate liars, even more than I hate people who walk slow on sidewalks,"

Taehyung laughed, "We're learning a lot about each other today, aren't we,"

"I have dark circles, don't I,"

"Just smile,"

Mina adjusted her herself, making sure to angle her head just so before she obeyed.

"Good," Click. "I can make a few tweaks if you need me to," Taehyung assured her. Click, click. "But you look great,"

It didn't take long to get all the photos they needed. Mina sat cross legged in the grass beside Tae as she watched him put his camera equipment back into his bag.

"So how'd it go last night anyways," Taehyung asked. "You guys disappeared,"

"Um, yeah," Mina blushed, "It went okay,"

"Just okay?" Taehyung caught her eye, a questioning look in his own. "You guys were gone for hours, and all I get is 'it went okay'?" He smirked at the smile that washed over her features.

He couldn't help but wonder what Jimin and Jungkook had been up to, too. They were gone for even longer than Mina and Hobi... In fact, Taehyung had left before they had even returned. No one knew where they'd gone.

"There's not much to tell. We walked and talked a lot. I don't know what came over me but I told him I liked him. I actually said it. And I said it wasn't a big deal, I just wanted him to know,"

"He was nice about it. Said he was getting over an ex, but he liked me. He said he'd have to take things really slow so he could sort out his feelings, and I said I didn't mind,"

"And then what happened?"

Mina half shrugged, fighting a smirk. "I kissed him,"

"Look at you go," he laughed, pretty impressed she'd gathered the courage. "Then what happened?"

"Nothing," Mina was completely blushing now.

Taehyung suddenly couldn't help imagining Jungkook and Jimin doing the same.

The crash of the waves, the sting of salt in the air as Jungkook wound his fingers into Jimin's hair. What the fuck.

"Really, nothing happened," Mina promised. "I kind of wanted it to... but you know, why rush. And all that sand,"

Jimin pushed Jungkook into the dune, kissing hungrily down his neck as he fumbled impatiently with Jungkook's zipper.

Taehyung felt the heat creeping up his neck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why couldn't he stop picturing it? The even better question, why did he like it?

He focused on putting the last filter into its proper case, zipping up his equipment bag.

"Yeah, no reason to rush," Taehyung agreed. "But I'm happy it worked out well, really,"

"Thanks," Mina answered giddily, seeming too lost in her own bubbly world to really realize Taehyung's sudden change in demeanor.

He willed the images to stop, finally pushing them out of his mind. He just wanted to get moving now, to go about the rest of the day and forget he'd ever pictured it all.

"Let's celebrate. Lunch is on me, okay?"

Before the Dawn (jikook/ vminkook)Where stories live. Discover now