6. Jungkook

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"Seriously, your mom has good taste in wine,"

Mina was pouring over the racks of alcohol in the kitchen. Taehyung sat perched on the kitchen island, picking apart some string cheese.

"Help yourself,"

Mina just laughed, picking up a particularly ancient bottle of merlot. "Yeah, right. I don't think my parents could afford this with their entire yearly salary,"

"I doubt it's that expensive,"

"Trust me, it is," She laughed again, but this time nervously as she placed it back on the rack.

"You a wine connoisseur, or what," Taehyung raised a brow questioningly. "You're kinda young for that,"

"My grandpa just really liked wine, so now I know a weird amount about it," She shrugged.

"Seriously, take one," Taehyung slid off the island, sauntering over to the rack. He picked up the bottle she'd been eyeing. "You say you don't like black coffee, and yet you'd drink this," he smirked. "Talk about bitter,"

He turned to put it in Mina's hands, but she stepped back.

"No, Taehyung, I literally can't take that,"

"Why, my mom has another case of the stuff in the basement. Seriously, just have it,"

"You're insane,"

"She won't even miss it. She's hardly home, she doesn't even know how many bottles she owns,"

"Really, thanks, but I can't,"

Taehyung shrugged, "Fine. But it's always here, so,"

Mina just shook her head lightly, but she gave a smile.

"So what about your dad?"

"What about him,"

"Is he home much?"

"No, working abroad. Yours?"

"Same," Mina chewed on her fingernail in thought for a moment. "But you know, he's coming home in a week or so, you should join us for dinner. I mean you don't have to, but I don't know, it might be nice,"

"Won't you get interrogated if I show up?"

Mina laughed, "Yeah, they'll probably think we're dating but oh well, they'll get over it,"

"It might be nice," Taehyung agreed. "I mean the dinner, not the unrelenting parental suspicion,"

"Right. It's a date, then," She teased, and they both smiled.

"I promise I won't breathe a word to Hobi," Taehyung retorted.

"Hey, don't bring him into this," Mina laughed.


The days seemed to seriously drag until Taehyung's next painting class. He spent so much time thinking about what the fuck he'd say to Jungkook that he practically had an ulcer by the time he got to class.

Should he sit next to him if he saw him? Should he take the same seat as last time? What if Jungkook didn't even talk to him or acknowledge him? They didn't really know each other at all. They'd only met once.

It turned out all the worrying was for nothing. Taehyung held his breath as he rounded into the room, greeted with the safe familiar smell of paints. But Jungkook wasn't there. The bell rang, but still no Jungkook.

At least I'll be able to focus on the canvas. No distractions.

That was exactly what Taehyung did. He mixed his paints in peace... for the most part.

Before the Dawn (jikook/ vminkook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant