12. The boy with the lovely tattoos

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"I'm serious," Jimin flashed a smile, leaning back against his bike. He patted the seat. "Just one little ride,"

Taehyung hesitated, looking at the bike and the beautiful boy in leather. He'd never been on a motorcycle before. That was why his heart was beating faster, right?

"Just let him go home, we kept him out late enough taking your headshots," Jungkook crossed his arms disapprovingly beside Tae.

"Really, it's ok," Taehyung assured him. He couldn't help but notice how tense things had been between Jimin and Jungkook the last couple hours. Seriously, what was up? Maybe they'd had another fight...

"So, are you down or not?" Jimin didn't pay much mind to Jungkook's words, just returned his attention to Taehyung.

Taehyung didn't know what to say. He didn't want to annoy Jungkook, but he also didn't want to refuse Jimin. Not when he smiled like that. He could've been the angel of death and Taehyung still would've gone running towards him.

"Maybe just one short one?" Taehyung suggested, briefly looking to Jungkook for even the tiniest bit of approval.

"As you wish," Jimin smirked, abruptly tossing his helmet to Taehyung, who barely managed to catch it after fumbling for a moment. He held the helmet to his chest.

"Turn your lights on, it's starting to get darker," Jungkook unfolded his arms, seeming to give up on being annoyed. "You really need to start bringing two helmets if you're going to make a habit of this," he chastised Jimin, but it was somewhat tender.

"Alright mom, I will," Jimin sauntered over to Jungkook, ruffling his hair. Jungkook leaned away slightly, but didn't step back out of Jimin's reach.

"I'll see you both tomorrow, then," Jungkook was only looking at Jimin.

"Tomorrow," Jimin echoed quietly.

"Yeah, I'll see you," Taehyung added, somewhat awkwardly as he pulled the helmet over his head. Neither of the boys were looking at him.

"Be safe," Jungkook said, quieter now.

"Always am,"

Taehyung watched them stand there, eyes locked. He seriously felt like he'd be interrupting something if he so much as breathed too loudly. Taehyung couldn't see the face Jimin was making, but whatever was going on made Jungkook lighten up, lips curving into a small smile.

"Alright, buckle up" Jimin called to Taehyung as he pinched Jungkook's earlobe as a playful goodbye, starting to back away from him. Jimin turned on his heels towards Taehyung, just in time to see his confused expression.

"There aren't any seatbelts," Taehyung observed dumbly.

"Right, so you're going to have to hang onto me," Jimin's smirk returned as he straddled the saddle, bringing the engine to life. It roared, making Taehyung jump a little.

Suddenly Jungkook's hand was on Taehyung's shoulder. "He's crazy, but he really is a good driver," he assured him, voice raised over the engine's grumbling.

"Hop on," Jimin revved the engine, laughing at whatever expression Taehyung wore.

Jungkook flipped the visor of the helmet down over Taehyung's eyes and gave two taps on the side of the helmet, before playfully pushing him towards the bike.

"Have fun,"

Taehyung's heart was properly thrumming in his chest now, nerves buzzing as he straddled the bike's seat. He'd never been on one of these before. It wasn't a cruising motorcycle, it was a racing bike. Sleek, black. Little flecks of red detailing. Jimin leaned forward into the curvature of the bike, and Taehyung hesitantly put two hands on his waist.

Before the Dawn (jikook/ vminkook)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang