5. The team

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Taehyung nervously clenched his fists at his side as he and Mina approached the practice room. Unclenched, clenched. Unclenched, clenched.

This was it. He was going to come face to face with the two dancers who had captivated him so much only days before. Who's faces he'd captured, tucked away safely in his desk drawer. So handsome, so ethereal...

Mina skipped right up to the door bravely, peering inside. Taehyung hung back behind her. He could see a neatly synchronized flurry of limbs inside. The boys were still dancing. They couldn't go in yet. He'd stay right here, a safe distance away, until he absolutely had to move closer.

"Here, come look," Mina motioned for him to join her at the window, but Taehyung only took one step. She didn't seem to notice, transfixed.

Taehyung and Mina waited patiently for the song to end. And then a bit longer, watching as a couple of the boys dramatically sprawled on the floor. One plopped down in front of a fan. Another went to a corner of the room to down half a water bottle. Then, the one sitting in front of the fan cast a sidelong glance at the door, noticing he was being watched. He pushed sweat soaked brown locks away from his face, and motioned for them to come inside. Taehyung watched Mina's face light up as she opened the door.

That must be the lab partner, Taehyung thought as he followed Mina inside. All the boys' attention began to shift to their visitors, and Taehyung felt himself shrink under their gazes.

"Mina, what's up?" Fan boy greeted, breaking into a sunny smile.

"Hey," She smiled back, giving a little wave. "Not much, I hope it's ok we crashed your practice,"

The other boys already seemed to pay no mind to the intruders. Taehyung watched water bottle boy chug the rest of his bottle's contents, slumping against the wall, looking sleepy. One of the boys who'd collapsed to the floor got up now, rummaging around in a bag for something. The other stayed put.

Taehyung tried not to stare at the final two, the two he'd been dreading coming face to face with. They talked amongst themselves now, while motorcycle boy cast Taehyung a brief glance. Tae stiffened, averted his eyes.

"Crashers always welcome," Lab partner seemed happy to see Mina as well. His gaze fell on Taehyung questioningly. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, right, this is Taehyung," She introduced quickly. "He took your photos at the last showcase, and really enjoyed your dancing,"

Taehyung shifted, and tried diligently not to look as uncomfortable as he felt. "Yeah, you guys were great,"

"So that's why you look familiar,"

Motorcycle boy stepped forward, drawing closer, looking Taehyung up and down.

Yeah, it's not at all because you caught me staring at you this morning. Tae only nodded. "Yeah, maybe,"

"So are you interested in joining?" Lab partner looked questioningly up at Taehyung.

"Joining?" Taehyung laughed, looking at the other members briefly. "Joining... the team?"

"Yeah," Lab partner shrugged.

"People try out all the time," Another boy added. He'd gone to retrieve some sport wrap of some kind, and was now crouching beside lab partner.

"No, I can't dance like you guys," Taehyung hurriedly assured him.

"That's not a no,"

This time it was beautiful boy #2 who spoke, coming to stand beside motorcycle boy.

Taehyung let their eyes meet, feeling an involuntary shiver vibrate down his spine. He felt a vague sense of anger wash over him. This boy was even more beautiful up close, and it was just wrong. No eyes should ever shine like that. No one should look so impossibly handsome, while also looking so disheveled, in sweatpants and an ugly oversized grey tee. An ugly grey tee that clung to his sculpted chest, covered in sweat.

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