[ℝ] Austria - Soulmates

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A/N - Enjoy being a pirate uwu


Requested by memelordmonika

Art by: ckanights (Twitter)

Art by: ckanights (Twitter)

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Roderich's P.O.V

I was nobody but a lowly musician. I didn't have much and I didn't look rich, but the only thing I was curious about was why I was bound in rope in a dingy basement on a ship.

Surely, I didn't do anything wrong to deserve such treatment as this. I mean, look at where I was! It was filthy and good heavens- what a foul smell! I couldn't even cover my nose. How unfortunate.

I was afraid that my clothes were going to be soiled. I didn't care if my kidnappers murdered me, I just wanted my clothes to be clean, or else I'd go paranoid.

I looked around the dark room and squinted to look for anything to break myself free. I found nothing but my violin case beside me. It was the last thing that would help me escape.

Sighing, I leaned back on the wall and decided not to break my head over this. What good would that do anyway? Let's just see what would happen and-

"Okay you old fart, get yer ass out here!" 

The door suddenly slammed open with a din and in came a pirate. A female one, to be precise. Now, female pirates were not so common in my day, but if there were any, they would disguise as a man, and that's what she did, but for some reason, it was easy for me to tell that she was a woman.

She had wild hair under her hat, her pants fit tight over her legs; her soiled white shirt hung around loosely somewhere, was half tucked in elsewhere; her face was serious and her eyes were brimming with a raging fire. On her side was a shining pistol in the holster which seemed to mockingly remind me of my forthcoming end.

"Move!" she kicked me, "else you'll get it from me!"

How on earth was I going to move if she had my ankles tied tight? But if this pirate wanted me to move, well... a man's got to do what a man's got to do. 

I crawled on my sitting apparatus out the door at a pace so slow that I heard the pirate yell a string of curses at me. Eventually, she grabbed the back of my collar and dragged me out on the roughed up wood floors.

I was so sure that I got free acupuncture on my sitting apparatus.

She threw me down on my face and stomped down on my head to keep myself from lifting it up. I could see her crew standing nearby encircled around both of us, all of them armed with guns and swords, equally as messy as their leader. 

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