Nice song,Grandma!

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Prom prom prom

It is all about

Just baby, scream and shout

Shane just asked me out

Andrea will oink with her snout

Woo hoo!

I entered my room singing my own blockbuster song while holding an imaginary microphone and showing my smexy dance moves which i am pretty sure, looked like I had squirrel in my pants but hey,who cares? Shane just asked me to prom. Not Andrea the yeti foot nor any other stupid bimbo with a little face on makeup but ME! Ha! Be jealous biatches !

"Whoa! Grandma you've have some good moves huh and oh, nice song,"

"Yea I know right but you can't just help with the feels when a guy like Shane wants you to go to prom with him."

I blushed and rambled continuously about Shane without even looking at where the voice came from and why? Someone probably broke into my room. Yea. Wait? She called me GRANDMA?! This little son of a gun better dig his own grave.

I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed the girl sitting on my bed eating my delicious pieces of heavenly gummy bears. She is so dead! But hey!

Why does she looks exactly like me? Just have blonde hair with fabulous curls and she have a pet lizard? Guess she had a blonde moment while choosing a pet.

I normally would have ignored this thing but Grandma? Last time I checked, I was 17.

"What are you?" I gave her furrowed brows.

"I am your grand-daughter," She jumped out of the bed and walked towards me with her creepy pet lizard crawling on her shoulder. Yikes!

"Yeah and I am Bill gates duh. Now the truth, honey," I demanded,rolling my eyes which refused to glance at the voracious creature merely inches away from my face and staring at me like i just stole its birthday present.

"I am serious," She said bluntly then looking down,mostly like admiring the most beautiful pair of denim shorts and sneakers I have ever seen in my whole friggin' life.

"Okay then tell me what I would name my daughter or son or whatever you call them," I asked. Call me crazy but i have been thinking about what to name my kids from a damn long ago.

"Oh! You mean mom? Her name's Celine," She answered flashing a smile that highlighted her perfectly white teeth sets. I openly gaped at her. Her little creature almost landing in my mouth. She was so right.

Could it be like she read minds or something? Nah!

"What are you doing here and how and why?" I continued my inquiring like some modernized,yet confused version of Sherlock Holmes.

"I ran away from home,used my dad's time machine which he invented. The reason why, I am so rich as you can tell from my clothes and because They grounded me," She replied playing with a strand of her beautiful blonde curls and had a stupid grin plastered over her face.

I wonder if IQ level decreased in our future generations after seeing her but still she is my grand daughter and I ain't no Einstein as well considering my ever dropping grades but wait she is rich so it is okay for her to be dumb? Hell to the no. This girl needs Jesus and some brains.

"Oh-kay! So What is your name?" and I seriously asked this believing her to be my grand-daughter like I am high on drugs or something.

"Amy," She said and crashed into me for an embrace. I feel like a less hot twin of her right now. Screw the insecurities.

"Okay sweety,time to go home, now," I said straining to push her off of me and back to wherever this rebellious whiny teenager came from.

"No! I am not leaving," She pulled back and said with a frown,folding her arms.

"What?! Why?" I yelled so that mom would also know her daughter's going batshit insane and hallucinating at an unicorn level.

"I don't want to . besides don't you wanna know about grandpa?" She wiggled her eyebrows nudging me which almost made me blush for no apparent reason.

"Okay but after that you gotta go and keep that lizard thing away from me. Deal?" I replied biting my lower lip followed by a smirk.


Hola peeps!
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