Towel Lady Kidnapped Jeremy

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"What the hell is going on here?" Just one sentence and everything stopped for a while whether it was Shane on top of me or Amy riding on his back or poor me, crushed at the bottom.

"Would you believe if I say, Shane is a werewolf and he just switched in his wolf form that his shirt ripped off and he attacked Alison and I was just trying to save her?" Amy said getting off Shane's back.

"Jeremy! We-" I put my hand in lion's den,Atleast tried but cut off by him when he shouted ,"OUT,"

"But?" Amy started again but this time he gestured us out with his hand and an even louder 'GET LOST, I SAID' . I stormed out of the room firstly, followed by Amy who was still in a towel.

"Boo!!" she screamed while running and giving a death glare to Jeremy and Shane.

He always blame me for the things I ain't responsible for. That certainly includes his wrong timing and poor listening skills and his big fat male ego.

"Granny! Are you okay?" Amy asked as I sat near the Lakeside. Some guys gave my Towel-wearing granddaughter a naughty gaze on the way. If you know what I mean so this isolated area was perfect to cry your heart out. Bruh! Just kidding. Crying is not in my blood.

"You know what? You were right! Guys are poop. A dirty nasty roadside elephant poop. I was always blamed for the things I never did. Talk about Drake's party night or few minutes ago. That stank face think he knows everything and before I could explain he goes all Ninja on me and be like Get out I said. I can't suffer from this PMS anymore," I mocked him at the second last sentence,taking deep breaths and throwing stones in the water.


"Putting up with men's shit!" I said before standing up,dusting off my clothes.

"I am going to mall. We have a prom, idiot and you've got a date. We need to shop and eat tons of ice-cream. My treat," I winked at Amy before turning around to move.

"I need clothes first. So, I should better be heading home," Amy said and we parted our ways.


I had to change into some decent clothes. Screw it! I needed any clothes but firstly I had to solve this Jeremy thing. So, Instead of heading home. I turned towards his house. Well practically running because a cop was about to arrest me for running in a towel on streets. Nobody told me it was illegal.

I entered in the house from the door this time. As silently as I can but was welcomed by a little girl of around age six. So cute!

"Who are you?" She gave me a cold glare putting her hands on hips. Little urchin.

"Oh hey little princess! Can I know If Jeremy is still here?" I knelt down being a miss goody freaking too shoes.

"Who are you I asked," Okay she is exactly like her brother.

"What if I don't tell you miss pee potty piddle pants?" I mocked laughing like some stupid villain.

She blow out a whistle after calling out a name that was 'poodle'. I laughed at her choice of a dog and that's when an american bull dog came running in. Eventually attacking my towel.

Qualities of Shane. Douches.

I struggled for my towel for a while but then,with a loud sound the dog crashed into wall. I noticed my Lizzy near its abdomen area.

Now do what you want,

Cause your dog will be long haunt- ed

Just go,have your potty training now

Else make yourself look like a cow

I got my song writing skills from granny. That's right! I finished singing,pumping my fists in the air and that's when my towel fell on the floor.

Poor little girl closed her eyes with her palms and I ran towards Jeremy's room wrapped in a towel again.

But not before screaming SANTA ISN'T REAL! to the little girl and leaving her crying

I crashed into the room and closed the door in my frantic state. Shane was not there. Just a shirtless Jeremy with his guitar looking at me with a frown on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here? Oh and please cover yourself up!" He rolled his eyes after shouting.

"No! First you have to listen what I gotta say,"

"Fine! If that makes you wear some clothes. Okay,"

"What happened that night?" His non-existent smile faded when I mentioned that night.

"Alison cheated on me with Drake. That's all," He said rubbing his temples.

"Come with me!" I almost ordered him before grabbing his hand and running to my Nana's home. As I ran out of the house,I heard her sister screaming ,"Momma,towel lady is kidnapping Jeremy," Jeremy continuously questioned which I ignored.

We reached home. Ignoring great grandmother's dumbfounded expression. I guess me in a towel and a shirtless guy with me was enough for her get a heart failure,we ran upstairs. Well it was practically me dragging him upstairs and pushing him inside the walk-in closet before myself getting in grabbing some random clothes with me. We were going back to that night...!


Finally updated :P

Iam more than excited to post next chapter ;)

Anyway so who is your favorite character so far? And why?

1. Alison

2. Amy

3. Shane

4. Jeremy

5. Liz

6. Banana bowdy (my personal favorite lol)

7. Evil nerd

8. Moustache guy (name soon to be revealed)

9. Jeremy's sister

10. Lizzy :P

oh and dedicated to priyankapinks. her vampire story the immortal chronicles is like wow. DO read it if you are into vampire stuff :)

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