Undie-man in the house!

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We were standing in front of a house filled with a huge crowd of drunkards and wasted teenagers. I left Jeremy standing there confused to find a place to change. I saw a car making movements. Oh god! What have I gotten myself into? Just one car nearby and that too making wavy motions.

I knocked at the window and knelt down. The girl did noticed,her Oh-Mr. Abc-you-do-it-so-fine expression turned into a frown. They departed soon thinking some creepy stalker was witnessing their acts. To my surprise,it was Andrea and Shane.

So,I changed the dress which happened to be a Superman suit. Seriously Nana? Why would you have a superman suit in your closet? I am so not wearing that underwear over pants.

So I changed into the Superman suit and rushed towards Jeremy who was still confused and staring at people. Manners dude.

“What?” I asked him.

“This is the last year's Halloween's costume party! How? And what? I am confused. Are you a witch?”

“I wish I was. I mean flying on brooms is fun. Too bad we have got flying cars. Anyway,just wait and watch. And oh here is something for you!” I replied passing him the super-underwear with an order to wear it on face like a mask so no one can recognize him.

“They are coming!” I whispered covering my face with cape.


“You!” I said as I noticed Jeremy coming in a superman suit and granny...as granny plus devil horns. Holding hands,smiling like typical couples. They entered in the house passing us disgusting looks.

“What? This is the undie-man and I am the super-without-underwear-on-pants woman! You have got a problem with it ?” I hissed at them which they ignored.

“What is happening? Are you nuts? Am I dreaming? You are a witch! Aren't you? I am gonna call the cops,” He again started his ranting. I just left him there and stepped in the house with him trailing after me.

We stood there in the middle of wasted crowd. Nobody seemed to give a shit about us. Jeremy of past walked towards his group of guys including Shane and some others. Shane got out of the conversation and mixed something in a cup and later on offered that cup to Granny. That scumbag.

She hesitantly gulped down the liquid. Shane gestured someone to get her when she felt dizzy. Jeremy was nowhere to be seen. A guy came and led granny to the room upstairs.

Jeremy came after a while looking for her. Some girl told him she was upstairs with some Drake guy. He went upstairs and barged into the room and in fraction of seconds came out,about to explode with anger. We were standing outside the room.

“Oh! So there's a line to fuck her? Go ahead! That slut won't charge,” He said to the shirtless undie-man by my side. Well technically himself.

Granny came crying and running after him but he just went all banshee on her and left the place.

“See? Now tell me what was her fault? You were a douche for leaving her when she needed you the most! A guy was about to rape her and you were blaming her for it?” I turned to Jeremy of present. No future? Screw it.

“I am...I am such an idiot. How could I do that? I am sorry,” He said rubbing his temples after he removed his undie mask.

“Say sorry to Alison! Not me,”

“Jeremy? Jeremy? Wake up you shirtless idiot!” Granny screamed in his face and finally he woke up startled,almost falling off the bed.

“Alison? Amy?” Jeremy asked clearing out his blurred vision.

“Yeah and What are you doing here and shirtless?” I asked,trying to control my laughter. I knocked him out at the party and we got back before grandma. Yay me!

“Amy! Me! We went back to Drake's Halloween party from last year. She was a super-without-underwear-on-pants woman and I was undie-man ! And Shane spiked your drink and drake tried to rape you! I left you crying. I called Amy a witch and you, a slut!” He continued blabbering for five minutes without a break about the grim adventures of Amy and Jeremy. Hey our names rhyme!

“Witch? Slut?” Granny was pretty boiling over with anger.

“Out!” She motioned him out of the room just like he did few hours ago. Oh well Karma.

“But Alison!”

“Get lost I said,” She yelled this time with never-seen tears escaping her eyes. Without a word,he went.

Humans are weird. Hurting the ones, we love.

“I am not forgiving him! Like never! Fuck you Jeremy Adams!” She screamed plopping down on the bed. I hugged her until she fell asleep. You won't suffer anymore Nana. I promise.



If you were allowed to use a time machine for once, where will you go? I'd probably visit my parent teenage life xD

dedicated to anura :) thanks for your amazing support and people you HAVE TO read her book rediscovering myself :D IT IS FLAWLESS!


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