New hottie in school

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Jeremy came bursting through the crowd with a serious expression over his face and helped me to get up on my limbs shouting,“ What happened? And why the hell you had agreed to fight that guy? Let me take you to nurse. I will take care of that banana later,” by that time everyone dispersed towards the table where banana bowdy was giving his victory speech.

“Listen, Jeremy. That guy is strong and will probably beat you as well. You're gonna get
out of here, you're gonna go on and make lots of babies, and you're gonna watch them grow. You're gonna die an old... an old man warm in his bed, but not here, not this day. Not like this, do you understand me?” I gave my titanic speech in his arms way too dramatically than jack would ever have given.

“Oh come on! You just lost a thumb- war. It is not like you are gonna die,” A nerd declared as he walked past us.

I gave a 'He-he' before collapsing on the ground as Jeremy lose hold of me. Well actually throwing me on the cold tiles of cafeteria. And people say nerds aren't evil. Ouch!

“Ouch! Are you hurt?” Amy came walking in analyzing my posture in the vacant cafeteria and this time I actually needed help. May day! May day!

After this,I rushed to my Biology class where I was partnered with Jeremy on a project none of us gave a shit about. Amy was left to cherish her alone time in ladies room.

I passed a note to Jeremy during the class which was actually a Taylor swift's song lyrics that goes like this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I am sorry for that night.

Not a good idea I guess as his reply on the note was another Taylor swift song that was You go talk to your friends,talk to my friends,talk to me but we are never ever ever ever getting back together.

Needless to say,I didn't say or write a word after that. I swear,one more time he behaves like a bitch and I will become the next best-selling artist.

Some other classes went by with boredom and there it was,Recess! I went to my locker and was greeted by Amy wearing a fake moustache,glasses with a cap holding her hair. Atleast she was wearing a jeans.

“Yo lady! You are so pretty. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?” She said continuously moving her hands.

“Let me guess that Cap is to prevent some accidental exposure to knowledge. Right AMY?” I replied with a smirk.

“I am gonna sue those people at that stupid shop. They said I was looking like a man and one girl even gave me her number few minutes ago,” She said pouting.

Taylor passed by us and gave a call me gesture to Amy and a look of jealousy to me. I banged my head on my locker. Firstly at the lack of brain cells in girls and secondly because this locker don't just open without a head smash.

“So,what are we supposed to do with mission Jeremy now?” I asked but was interrupted by some crawling hands on my waist. I spun around to find Shane with a little bag in his hand.

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