Stolen book of Banana Bowdy

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“You just..what?” I yelled at the top of my lungs at Amy who had just fixed a date of me with Jeremy. Oh and we were apparently sitting on adjacent toilet seats in school's ladies room.

“I think, he is cute. What's wrong granns?” She cried from her side.

“You know, Shane's your grandpa then why are you freaking trying to hook up your poor granny with someone else,”

“It is just a date granns. JUST A DATE. I am not ordering you to make babies already.,” She said emphasizing the last sentence.

“No,” I bluntly replied.

“Okay then. See ya,” With this,she rushed out of the washroom with me singing in background ,“Come back here you fart knocker,”

My yelling was cutoff by Taylor,the cheerleader who is always in a futile attempt to get me shaking my poor little butt in front of a crowd of  pervs. The cheerleaders squad.

“Hey Alison! You changed your mind yet?” She again started blabbering, holding me back.

“Sorry sweety, but my ladyballs are not big enough to do this,” I replied and walked past the porn presenter of our school.

“Oh and climbing in your boyfriends' arm who refused to wear a clean underwear ages ago with the idea that he would shit in his pants anyway if he gets into an accident while coming to school? Hell to the No, I would rather stick a needle in my eyes...or his' ,” I said before finally running off of there before she lunges at me and maul me to death.

I finally reached the cafeteria occupying a corner seat , covering my face with a book which i literally snatched from someone while running.

Amy was not here yet. Thank you God! You exist! I know!

Well I was wrong. She barged in with her pretty blonde hairs going everywhere in the air and she was walking towards.....SHANE THE FUCKING MCCAIN?

Hey Shane!” She stated grabbing his attention. All of other eyes glaring at her with a certainly jealous look. Oh well! Proud granny moment!

She grabbed his collar and pulled him roughly towards her. Oh no! Oh no! I squeezed my eyes shut as I sunk in my chair behind the book of Banana bowdy. Yep it was the Guy's name I stole this book from.

I was too busy giggling at the name when I heard a painful 'OUCH!' which happened to be of Shane because apparently my overly pampered G-D kicked him in the balls?!

She gave a victory grin to everyone gasping and especially to the poor Jeremy who was sitting wide-eyed on the same table as Shane.

And she did what i was exactly fearing for. She kissed Jeremy on the cheek. It almost looked like a father daughter moment to be honest.

I could do nothing but seeing me making a fun of myself.

I just banged my head over and over on Banana's book. After that, she disappeared somewhere I don't know and I had to endure the classes and the stares and some creepy fan girls of Shane even asking me,'how does his balls felt like to my knee?'

Dumb farts! Dumb farts everywhere!


My horrible day at school ended and I was welcomed in my room by that butt Sniffer laying on my bed eating my food. With her presence in my life, I have invented a whole lot range of new names though.

“Why did you do that?” I asked with hunched shoulders with a dull voice.

“You wouldn't want to know,”

I was about to open my mouth when my phone rang with a westlife's song which notified me the caller as JEREMY. Okay.

How am I supposed to face him now?


Dedicated to the awesome lady known as zulfa. :)

Double TroubleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon