A farewell to the double trouble

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Alison's POV -

I can't believe , I yelled at her for that d-bag and that too for no apparent reasons. She was just trying to help. I want to apologize but that wouldn't make a difference because I can't change my decision. I wish, I could tell her, Celine cried for her in front of me last night for not doing something really stupid that I may regret. I really don't care about Celine, to be honest. Guess she just inherited her father's traits but most of all she was begging for Amy and I can't do unfair to her. I wish,I could tell her that she was the best granddaughter in the whole world and I can't let her go just like that.

She went back to her home last night without even informing me,she didn't even say a word. I feel horrible. I have done nothing but being a ruthless bitch to anyone around me whether it is Jeremy or Amy or that poor turtle on the beach I stepped upon, anyone that has ever existed. Atleast what I am doing right now will be considered as one good deed I have ever done for someone.

“Hey! You okay?” It was Bowdy. We were in the huge banquet hall where our prom was organised. All of the beautiful couples were roaming here and there. I am envious and I can't lie. I came with Shane and he just left me god knows where standing in this stupid corner,looking like a homeless drug addict. Not really but I am not at my best either with those giant bags under my eyes disguised in tons of foundation.

“I am okay. Who is your date anyway?” I asked him considering his girlfriend broke up with him a week ago or something.



Ah what?! Taylor? When did this happen? Baylor is not supposed to happen. It just can't!

“Are you alright? I mean Taylor? Taylor Anderson?” I asked him,eyes bulging out of the socket.

“Yeah Her date left her on the last moment and she asked me,”

Alright. Her date.

Wait her date? Dick ? Means Amy? I don't know if to laugh or cry.

Taylor made her grand appearance with a crown on her brainless head as she won Prom princess ! How cool, yay her! She kissed Bowdy and took him away. Here I am,standing alone staring at Guys' bums. Pervert? Totally!

“And the Prom Prince is Dick Mcpenson” A voice called. The hall echoed with claps but none came forward. She had been in school for like 2 weeks and already ruled hearts? Proud granny moment..yet again!

“Oh no! Oh no! Don't come here. I can't face you yet,” I whispered and made a motion to move from my place as I saw Jeremy making his way towards me.

“Hey!” He awkwardly greeted me,not making a direct eye-contact.

“Hi!” The same reaction from me. Be as normal as you can Alison! Take deep breaths.

“You look beautiful,” Make him stop before I start to look like Taylor's lipstick.

“Thanks! Uh,you look good too!” good? He is fucking perfect.

“I brought something for you. It sucks,I know,” He showed me a tiny cactus with a small slip on its head reading Prom?. A cactus? Seriously jer?

“Actually I would have brought flowers but you are allergic to almost every flower out there so yeah. I know your answer already but I had to give this one last try,” He scratched his head nervously. I almost melted at this one.

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