Be My Valentine

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Kimberly sits in her quaint living room, the curtains are pulled back to reveal snow falling outside Boston. Dan is in the bedroom, already asleep, but Kimberly figures she should probably try and work on her English paper a little bit more before calling it quits. That and she's waiting for someone to come knock on her door after she received a call from a worried Betty Ross.

The knock on the front door comes not a moment later. Kimberly pushes her notebook and pen off of her lap and rises from the couch. She stretches a little bit and thinks of something she should say when she opens the door. Her mind is blank. Kimberly reaches the front door and checks the peephole. She exhales, not the least bit surprised. She opens the door.

"Hi, Tessie."

Tesla stares at her friend. "You knew I was coming, didn't you?"

Kimberly nods, her coiled hair bouncing on her head slightly. She steps aside. "Come in." Tesla slips inside, taking off her jacket and her boots. "You know, you're lucky Dan and I haven't moved to Manhattan yet. What are you gonna do when I'm three hours away?"

Tesla shoots her a look. "You were four hours away last year. I'll handle it," she states, shrugging once. She looks away in annoyance.

Kimberly frowns a bit, closing the front door behind her best friend. She looks down, trying to figure out what she should say now. "Look, Tesla, I'm not sure what to do here. You haven't really been yourself lately." She turns to face the brunette, her brown eyes show sadness.

"I know," she admits. "There's been a lot going on, and there's something...something that I have to do, and I'm not sure how to do it. It's," Tesla sighs. "It's big, Kimmy."

"Big how?"

Tesla sits down in the living room, clasping her hands together. She stares down at the floor. "Like, uh, let's say there's this guy. He's an evil guy, mean and dangerous. He's trying to come after Dan and his family." Kimberly stares at her, alert. She hurriedly sits down next to Tesla, ready to listen to everything she has to say. This is big. Tesla peers at her for a moment. "And—what is Dan's heritage?"

Kimberly frowns. "Uh, he's Italian. What does—?"

"And this guy wants to go after all Italians. He thinks they're Hitler was to Jewish people. He hates them; he thinks they're bringing society down." Tesla stares at the notebook Kimberly set aside, trying to collect the rest of her thoughts. "So, you have the chance to stop this guy, and it's only you."

Kimberly shakes her head. "Tesla—"

Tesla looks at her again, her eyes watery. "What do you do?"

Kimberly reaches over and grabs Tesla's hand, giving it a long squeeze. She doesn't let go. She sighs heavily, hanging her head for a moment. "Well, it sounds pretty simple to me. If anyone could kill Hitler, they would, wouldn't they?" Tesla nods once. "But you're not alone, Tesla. You know that, right? I'm always here for you." She gives her younger friend a goofy smile. "You know, in case you need help killing Hitler."

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