Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Waking up the next morning, I slip out of bed and head to the kitchen. I start cooking breakfast and about the time I get it done, Bishop walks into the room. "Morning Princesa." he says. "Morning Bish." I say as he kisses my lips. I hand him his plate and pour his coffee before getting my own and taking my place at the table with him. "How'd you sleep?" he asks. "Really good actually. That bed is really comfortable." I say smirking. "So that's why you were comfortable? The bed?" he asks. "Well, the man holding me in it was pretty nice too." I tell him, laughing. He pulls me to him and kisses my lips softly. "Are you always this affectionate?" I ask. "Not always. You make me want to though." He says and I look at him confused. "Do you know why I volunteered to marry you?" he asks and I shake my head no. "I've known who you were for a long time and I admire you a lot. You're a strong and passionate woman and you're loyal to those that are loyal to you. I need a woman like you in my life so when Marcus came to me with the proposition of someone from our charter marrying you, I didn't even take it to the table. I volunteered right there." he tells me and I look at him shocked. He kisses me one more time and says "I told you that you would have that loyalty. I meant it." I smile against his lips and say "And you will have mine mi rey." and he smiles with me.

We get done with breakfast and as I am cleaning the kitchen, I ask "What's the plan for today?" He wraps his arms around me from behind and says "Thought we'd hang at the clubhouse for a bit. You good with that?" he asks. "Yeah baby. I am. It will give me a chance to get to know everyone better. I mean, I am your wife. It's my job now to make sure our boys are taken care of right?" I ask. He looks at me shocked. "You're my family now. Family takes care of family." I tell him and he crashes his lips with mine and says "You are fucking perfect." I shake my head and say "Nowhere near perfect Bish but like you said, we are loyal to each other. I have your back like you have mine and me being your wife, I have no doubt that those men would do whatever it takes to protect me if it came to that." I tell him. "That they would Princesa." he says before kissing me one more time.

We get to the clubhouse and walk inside. "There are the newlyweds." Taza says. I hug him and say "Thank you for keeping my mother occupied yesterday." I say. "My pleasure Mija. She's a lovely woman." he says. "Are we talking about the same person?" I ask and he sees the serious look on my face. "Am I missing something?" he asks. I look at Bishop and he nods. "My mother and I have a strained relationship right now." I tell him. "Because of the wedding?" he asks. "No. Miguel and I found out that her and our father lied to us about how our older brother died." I tell him. "You have an older brother?" he asks. "Miguel and I are twins. Before we were born, our parents gave birth to our brother Cristobal. The person my nephew is named after. We were told all of our lives that he died at six months old of pneumonia and found out a few days ago that they lied that he was kidnapped by a rival cartel and slaughtered because our father refused to meet their demands and mother did nothing to save him." I tell him. "I didn't know that Mija." he says. "Not many people do. Everyone thinks he got sick and died." I tell him. Bishop pulls me closer and I say "She and I are working on things but it's still strained." I tell him. "I get it." he tells me before kissing my cheek. "Well, we're familia now. You need anything, you let one of us know." he tells me. "Thank you Taza." I say before Bishop and I head to sit at one of the tables. He sits in one of the chairs and pulls me into his lap. Kissing me softly, he nuzzles his nose against my neck and places soft kisses before Hank sits down with us. "Are you sure you two weren't already together and just didn't tell us?" he asks laughing. "No. But we're married and giving it an honest shot." I tell him and he nods. "I know this probably wasn't how you thought things would go when you got married but we are glad you're a part of this family now." Hank tells me. "Thank you Hank. Seriously. So far I am really loving my new family. All of you have been so welcoming and it's kind of nice." I tell him and Bishop cups my chin and turns my face to his and says "You are welcome here. You always will be." he says. I smile and say "Even when you get tired of me and move on to someone else?" I asks laughing. Cupping my face a little firmer but not enough to hurt me, he says seriously "I will never get tired of you and there won't be anyone else." he tells me and I smile softly before kissing his lips. When we separate I whisper "You are making so easy to fall in love with you." He smirks and whispers "That's the plan." before pressing his lips to mine one more time before I snuggle deeper into him.

After spending a little bit talking to Hank and a couple of the other guys that were at the clubhouse, I find out that Coco has a daughter that he's having trouble getting moved out of his mom's house. "Coco, how old is she?" I ask. "Seventeen and my mom is trying to get her sell her ass to make money." he tells me. "Hell no." I say and I look at Bishop. "I have money put up that I was wanting to use to start my own business. Can we set her up in one of the dorms? She can help me and work for me and I can help her with school too." I ask. "We can do that. And let us know what you need to start your business and we'll help however you need." he tells me. "You'd let her work with you?" Coco asks. "It would help her make some money of her own and give her something productive to do." I tell him. "Thank you Mana." he says and I nod. "She's your kid, that means she belongs to all of us." I tell him and he smiles. "I'll head to get her and her things now." he tells me. I look at Bishop and say "I'll get her a dorm ready." He nods before kissing me softly and I stand up and head to the dorms to get her a room ready.

Once I'm out of earshot, Hank says "She's fitting in here pretty good. She's really taking to the family." he says. "She is." he says as he looks at the hallway I went down. "You love her Pres?" Hank asks and he says "Have for a long time. Was just waiting on Galindo to tell her about the arrangement." Hank smirks and asks "You want kids?" Bishop nods and Hank says "The way she stepped up ready to take care of Coco's kid, you might want to have that conversation." Bishop nods as I walk back out to the main room and back to Bishop's lap. Hank stands to leave and says "I'll let you two talk." Bishop nods and I look at Bishop confused. "Everything okay?" I ask. "It is Princesa. Just seeing you stepping up to help with Coco's kid. Do you want kids?" he asks. "I do. I always had this stupid dream of falling in love, getting married and having kids." I tell him. Cupping my face he says "Not a stupid dream. I love you. I have for a long time. That's why I volunteered for this arrangement. So you have the love, and the marriage, if you want, we can work on the kids and you'll love me in your own time." he tells me and I look at him shocked. "Bish..." I start and he cuts me off with a kiss. "Te amo mi amor." he whispers. "You make it really hard not to love you." I say and he says "Fair enough." before kissing me one more time. "I do want to start trying for a baby if that's okay?" I ask. "Of course mi reina. If that's what you want, that's what you'll get." he says. "Thank you mi rey." I whisper before kissing him again. I stand up and take his hand, pulling him to stand. "What are you doing mi reina?" he asks, smirking. I pull him close to me and whisper "Mi rey, I'm taking you to the dorm so you can knock me up." before turning and pulling him to the dorm. Once we reach the dorm, we start shedding clothes before he hovers over me on the bed and makes love to me nice and slow and I feel all the love he has for me. I whisper against his lips "Te amo mi rey." He smiles wide before crashing his lips with mine and makes love to me passionately until we both find our release.

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