Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next day, I get up and get breakfast made. Walking back to the bedroom, I kiss Bishop's cheek and say "Wake up. Breakfast is done." I tell him. I go to move away, still feeling self conscience and he grabs my hand . Pulling me to him, he kisses me softly and say "Morning beautiful." I put my forehead to his and say "Morning Bish." before pulling away. I head to the kitchen and plate our food before sitting it on the table and grabbing our coffees. Sitting at the table next to him, I don't say anything. "What time are you and Emily meeting?" he asks. "She's picking me up here. Is that okay?" I ask. "Yeah baby. She bringing her driver?" he asks and I nod. "Good." He says and I look at him. "Just want you protected mi reina." he says and I nod. After breakfast, I get ready to leave and when Emily pulls up, she knocks on the door. Bishop opens the door while I grab my bag. He kisses her on the cheek and says "Morning Em." She smiles and says "Morning Bishop." She looks at me and sees me in a pair of jeans, nice top and my boots. "You look great." she tells me and I smile softly. I look at Bishop and he kisses me softly. "Come to the clubhouse when you get done please." he says and I nod. "I love you mi preciosa." he says. "I love you Bish." I whisper before kissing him one more time and heading out the door.

Getting into the car with Emily, Nestor driving, she asks. "How are things going?" I shrug and say "He's telling me it's not just and arrangement and I believe him but I'm just still having some issues getting my head right." I tell her. "Have you told him this?" she asks and I nod. "I just don't know how long he's going to want to deal with me being fucked up." I tell her. Nestor speaks up before Emily can. "Gloria, we've known each other for a long time. You trust me right?" he asks. "I do." I tell him. "Then believe me when I say he's not going anywhere. He's a very patient and loyal man. He won't get tired of it and you're not fucked up. You got treated like shit and you just need a reset. Do you remember when we were kids? When your depression was bad?" he asks and I nod. "What did we always do?" he asks. I look at him and it hits me. "Why didn't I think of that?" I ask. "What's he talking about?" Emily asks. "The last time her depression got really bad, Miguel and I set her up a sewing studio. She made these cool dolls." he says and she looks at me. "Yeah. I would spend hours in there working and then donate them to the local orphanage and just the look on those kids faces made it all better." I tell her. "You think Bishop would set something like that up for you?" she asks. "I think so. I told him I was wanting to start my own business. Maybe that's what I need to do." I tell them.

After shopping and finding half a dozen outfits to wear for Bishop, we head to the clubhouse. Walking in, I see Bishop sitting at one of the tables and Hank is sitting next to him. I said goodbye to Nestor and Emily and as soon as I walk over to Bishop he kisses me softly. "How was your day?" he asks. "Good. Got some things and got some really good advice." I tell him and he asks "What advice was that?" I take the seat next to him and he tries to sneak a peak in the bag and I smack his hand. "Letti, can you take this to our dorm please?" I ask and she does as I ask. "Nestor and Miguel used to help me with my depression when I was younger. It got really bad at one point and they set me up a sewing studio. I would spend hours in there making dolls and doll clothes and then when I would come out, I would feel a little better but then I would take the dolls to the local orphanage and seeing the looks on those kids faces made it all go away. Nothing made me happier than seeing them smile knowing I was the cause of it." I tell him. "We can set something like that up here." he says. "Could we?" I ask. "Yeah baby. You said you wanted to start your own business anyway. Most companies have a way to give back. This could be yours. Every one you sell you can donate one to the local shelter and we'll help." he tells me. I move over to his lap and hug him tight. "I love you Bish. Thank you." I tell him. Kissing me softly he says "I love you mi reina." I snuggle into him and we just sit.

That night, we head to bed and I am feeling a little better about things. I head to the shower and then put on one of the items I bought today. Putting the robe on over it. I walk out into the bedroom of the dorm and see him already undressed to his boxer briefs. I walk to stand between his knees and he unties the robe. As soon as he sees the black and green teddy I have on underneath, his breathing hitches. "Fuck Bebita." he says. He starts placing kisses to my stomach and up to my chest as he pulls me to straddle him. He kisses up my chest to my neck and I am right by his ear. "Claim me marido." I whisper. Turning us over, he moves the fabric to the side and pulls down his boxer briefs and enters me slowly. We spend the rest of the night making love nice and slow and I have never felt more wanted in my life.

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