Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Walking out to the main room, hand in hand, Bishop calls the Prospect over. "She's going with us. If at any point I think she can't handle it, you're to take her outside and stay with her." Bishop says and the Prospect nods his understanding. We head out to the warehouse and see Luke tied to the pew just like Bishop said. I see my brother and his best friend Nestor and my brother hugs me and so does Nestor. "How are you?" Miguel asks. "I'm here." I tell him, still not letting my guard down. He hugs me again and whispers "He really does love you." I shake my head and move back over to where Bishop and the guys are standing. Miguel walks over and smacks him awake. I move back and let them do their thing. Bishop walks over just as Luke is waking up. "Hello Luke. I know you remember me." Miguel says and Luke nods. "Come here." my brother says and I walk forward. "I know you remember my sister. You know, the one you knocked up and bailed on? Didn't think I knew about that did you?" Miguel asks. "Hi Luke. Guess you didn't expect me to be here." I tell him and he glares at me. Bishop steps forward and Miguel says "Luke, I'd like you to meet Bishop. My brother-in-law." Luke looks at him with wide eyes. "That's right. This is the man my sister married. Now, you see, I only want my sister to be happy and I know he makes her happy but she can't have a happy life with you still around putting shit in her head." Miguel says. Bishop steps closer and says "Gloria is my wife. My queen and you putting bull shit in her head like you have? That doesn't work for me." Bishop turns to me and says "Come here baby." I walk over and he pulls me close. Kissing me softly, he whispers "Te amo." I feel the tears filling my eyes and I look away. He cups my face and says "You're perfect mi reina. Fucking perfect." before crashing his lips with mine and kiss more breathless than anything I've ever experienced. I look into his eyes and see he how much he loves me but I still can't let my guard down. He turns back to Luke and says "You upset my wife. Told her I wouldn't be faithful. I can't have that. She is the only woman I want. But you? You get to die knowing that this time when she gets pregnant, she won't be left alone." Bishop says before he starts torturing Luke. Miguel moves over to me and says "He loves you, you know." I shake my head and say "It's just an arrangement Miguel." before heading out the door with the Prospect hot on my heels.

Walking outside, there are tears in my eyes and the Prospect stays close. "Are you okay?" he asks. "I don't even know anymore." I tell him. I lean against Bishop's bike and he just stands there with me, looking around. Once they get done, they come outside and Miguel walks over. "You okay?" he asks. "I'm fine." I say shortly. He hugs me before leaving and Bishop walks over and says "Let's go for a ride." I just nod. The guys head back to the clubhouse and Bishop and I go for a ride. He pulls up to these bluffs and we get off the bike and head to the picnic table that's there. Sitting on top of it, I sit beside him and he goes to take my hand and I pull away. "Please don't do that." he says and I don't respond. I started closing myself off. "It's fine Bishop." I say. "What's fine?" he asks. "I appreciate what you did with Luke but we both know this is just an arrangement. Can we please just leave it at that?" I ask without any emotion. He stands up and steps in front of me, in between my legs and he cups my face. "Please don't." I whisper, losing my resolve. "Listen to me Gloria. This is not just an arrangement. I volunteered to marry you because I'm in love with you. You are so perfect." he tells me and I try to pull away but he doesn't let me. "You're perfect. You're beautiful, compassionate, strong. You make me feel things I never thought I'd feel for anyone. I love you baby. Please don't ever doubt that." he says. "I need this to be just an arrangement Bishop. I can't give you more than that." I say and move off of the table. "Why? Because some stupid fuck filled your head with bull shit? Because he made you feel like you weren't good enough?" he asks and I nod my head yes. He walks over to me and picks me up over his shoulder and carries me back to the table. Cupping my face he says "This is not just an arrangement. You're my wife because I want you to be. You're my queen because you deserve to be. And you're going to be the mother of my kids because you are the only one I want to have kids with. You're my fucking queen. Don't let what some stupid fuck says make you believe different. Do you love me?" he asks. I nod my head yes. "Then don't push me away. I need you baby and I want you so fucking bad." I tell him.

Looking into his eyes, I see so much love and passion. "Show me." I whisper finally. He crashes his lips with mine before he pulls my shirt over my head and starts attacking my neck and chest. Pulling my jeans down, I start working on his belt and pants. Pulling out his hard member, he moves my panties to the side to find out that I am already wet and ready. Sliding inside me slowly, he moans against my lips as do I. He starts thrusting in and out hard and fast while nipping and sucking at my pulsepoint. "Don't stop Bish. Please." I beg. "You feel so fucking good baby. Fuck." he rasps against my neck. I find my release as he finds his inside me. Taking a second to catch our breath, he whispers "I love you so much mi reina." With tears in my eyes I whisper "I love you too my king. Just please be patient with me." I tell him. We redress and he sits on the bench with me in his lap. We look into each others eyes and he says "I got you bebita." as he caresses my cheek. I kiss his lips softly and say "I just keep hearing him in my head, you know?" He sighs. "I know baby and I know it's going to take some time to get that out of your head but don't ever doubt how I feel about you. This is not just an arrangement to me. You're my wife. You're the woman I love more than anything." he tells me. Kissing him softly I say "I love you too Obispo."

We head home and as soon as we walk in the door, his phone rings. "Yeah...Yeah, we're good...She's getting there...I'll tell her." he says before ending the call. "Taza checking on you. Wanted to make sure you were okay." he tells me and I nod. We are sitting on the couch and my phone rings next. Seeing that it's Emily I head to the kitchen and out to the back deck. "How are you feeling?" she asks. "I'll be okay." I tell her. "Just don't close yourself off. That man loves you." she tells me. "I know he does. I started closing myself off but he took me for a ride and we talked and I'm feeling better about things. I know he loves me and I know he's not going to cheat on me. I just have to get Luke out of my head but I think I might now how to." I say. "How's that?" she asks. "I think I might go shopping tomorrow for something sexy to wear for him. Maybe if I can make myself feel sexy and see that he likes it, it might help me feel better about myself." I tell her. "We can make a day of it. Shopping and lunch." she tells me. "That would be great. Thanks Em." I tell her. "You're my sister. I love you." she tells me and I can't help but smile. After getting off the phone with her, I turn around and see Bishop standing at the door, watching me. He walks out and pulls me to him. Cupping my face, he kisses me softly and says "I will spend the rest of my life showing you how perfect you are Gloria. I have never seen a woman more beautiful than you." he tells me softly. "Take me to be mi rey." I whisper. Kissing me softly, he picks me up and carries me to bed. Laying me on the bed gently, we start to shed clothes and we spend the rest of the night, my husband making love to me and showing me how much he wants me. When we both reach our release, he whispers "I love you more than anything." I look up at him and say "I love you more." 

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