Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I spend the next little bit closed up in my sewing room, making dolls. I feel some of the stress fall off of me but still have so much running through my mind. How can he want me? I just have to keep shit to myself. I have to push through shit. He can't know how I feel but I have to start losing some of this weight. I can't handle him seeing me. I bury myself in my work and by the time Bishop comes back to check on me, I have twenty dolls ready to stuff. I am sitting in the floor stuffing them and sewing the fill holes shut. "How's it going?" he asks. I don't look up from what I'm doing but say "Got twenty made. Stuffing them now." I tell him. I get one done and hand it to him and grab another. "These are amazing amor." he tells me. "Thanks." I say simply. "Have you eaten?" he asks. "Not hungry." I tell him. "You need to eat baby." he tells me. "I'm fine. I'll eat when I get hungry." I tell him. He kneels down next to me and says "Why don't you finish these tomorrow. Letti can help you." he tells me. "I'll handle it." I tell him and don't move. He kisses the top of my head and walks out of the room. Heading to the dorm next door, he pulls out his burner and calls Miguel. "Hola Bishop." Miguel says. "Hello Miguel. Let me ask you something." Bishop says. "What is it?" Miguel asks. "When Gloria was making dolls before and her depression was bad, how did she act?" he asks. "How is she acting now?" Miguel asks. "Refusing to eat, won't look at me, won't talk to me." he says. "Shit. When she first started making the dolls, she would lock herself away. Wouldn't eat. Wouldn't sleep. Just buried herself in her work. You have to force her. You're going to have to physically pick her up and make her eat and sleep. But be careful. When she was bad last time, she would eat enough to satisfy us and then make herself throw it up. She collapsed on us one day and that's how we found out what she was doing." Miguel says. "Shit. Okay. Thanks brother." Bishop says. "Let me know if you need anything." Miguel says and they end the call.

Bishop walks back into the workroom and says "Let's head home." I shake my head and say "I want to get these done." He shakes his head and takes the doll from my hands and puts it down. Taking my hand, he stands me up and cups my face. "We're going to go eat and then we're going to go home and snuggle up in bed and you're going to get some rest." he tells me and I shake my head no. "I'm okay." I say trying to pull away from him. Picking me up over his shoulder, he carries me out of the room and I'm begging him "Put me down please. Stop Bishop. Please." I beg and I'm in tears. He puts me down when we get almost to the main room and wipes my tears away. Kissing me softly he says "I love you mi reina. You're so fucking perfect." he says and I don't look at him. Tilting my chin up to look at him he says "You are the only woman I want. You have no clue how beautiful you are." he says and I shake my head no. Pulling me into the room next to us, he closes the door and pins me to the wall. Crashing his lips with mine, he starts sliding my leggings down my legs and I start unbuckling his pants. He slides them down to my knees and turns me to face the wall. Sliding inside me, he starts to thrust in and out over and over, whispering "You feel so good baby. I love you so fucking much." When we find our release, I pull my leggings back up and try to slip away and he doesn't let me. "Where are you going?" he asks. "You got what you wanted. Please let me go." I say and he cups my face. "You're right. I got what I wanted. I got to have sex with my wife. The only woman that can get me like this. I feel things with you I have never felt with anyone else. Baby, you are everything to me. I love you with everything I have." he tells me. I look into his eyes and he says "Let's go eat and head home. I want to snuggle with my woman." he says. I nod and we head out. After eating at the diner, I excuse myself to the bathroom. He grabs my hand and says "I know about your eating disorder. Please don't." he tells me. I look at him and he says "I think you're fucking perfect baby. Please." he says again. I nod and use the bathroom before walking back out to him We get home and lay down in bed and just snuggle together and I feel myself dozing off with his arms around me. "I love you mi reina." is the last thing I hear before I fall asleep in his arms.

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