Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Waking up the next morning, I have my back to Bishop and his arms are around me. I could really get used to this. I think about the night before and him telling me he loves me and me saying that I love him. I do. I love him. He makes it really hard not to. And us trying for a baby. There's nothing I want more than to have a child. I sat and watched my brother and sister-in-law for so long with their son wishing I had that. "You're thinking too loud mi amor." he whispers. I turn to face him and kiss him softly. "What were you thinking about?" he asks. "Us." I tell him. He looks at me concerned and I smile softly. "Nothing bad. Just about you telling me you love me. Me saying it back and us trying for a baby. I spent so much time watching my brother and Emily with Cristobal and I wished so hard for that. I even thought about getting artificially inseminated but I knew my brother would kill me." I tell him. "Well, amor, I'll give you all the babies you want." he tells me before kissing me softly. "You know I was pregnant once." I tell him. "I didn't know that." he tells me. "I was seeing this guy. A little over a year ago. We found out I was pregnant and he took off. I lost it two weeks later." I tell him. "I am so sorry baby. I promise, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me." he tells me. "I hope so." I tell him.

We get up and start getting ready for the day when my phone rings. "Hello?" I ask as I answer. "Hey Gloria. I was wondering if you wanted to meet at the diner and get lunch?" Emily asks. "I'd love that. Meet there in an hour?" I ask. "See you then." she says before we end the call. "Who was that?" Bishop asks as he buttons his shirt and I can't help but watch his fingers work. I blush a little at remembering what those fingers can do. "Huh?" I ask, snapping out of my thoughts. "Who was that mi amor?" he asks smirking. I shake my head and say "Emily. Wants me to meet her for lunch." I tell him. He goes to reach for his wallet and I say "I have money Bish." He shakes his head and says "Here." as he holds out his debit card. "I got it." he tells me. I walk over and take the card from him and kiss him softly as my arms go around his neck and his arms go around my waist. He deepens the kiss and when we separate, I say "You keep kissing me like that we won't be leaving this room." He smirks and says "I got no problem with that mi reina."

An hour later, I am sitting at the diner with Emily. "So, how are things with Bishop?" she asks. "He's been amazing Em. Told me he loves me. Said he has for a while." I tell her. "That's great. How do you feel though?" she asks. "I can honestly say I love him. How can I not?" I ask. "He's being that good to you?" she asks. "He is. He's affectionate, loyal, protective." I tell her. "I can tell. Sending the Prospect to watch you." she says. "Yeah. He actually told me that he was sending him to watch me and that he just wanted to make sure his wife was safe." I tell her. She smiles wide and says "So, what else is going on?" she asks. "We were talking and we both want kids so we're trying." I tell her. "I have to ask. How is he?" she asks and I start laughing. "Absolutely perfect. And I am very...aware...that he's been there." I tell her hoping she gets what I mean and she does. "So, that aspect of the marriage is that good?" she asks. "Oh yeah. And he's gentle. Em, I don't think I have ever been this happy." I tell her. "Good. I'm glad to hear." she says. "Now, how are you, my brother and my nephew?" I ask and she goes on to tell me how everyone is.

After eating, we head out to our cars and I hear my name being called. "Gloria." I stop when I hear his voice. I look at the Prospect and shake my head no, letting him know to let me handle it. Emily is still beside me and grabs my hand for support. "What do you want Luke?" I ask. "I was wondering if we could talk a minute." he says. "There's nothing to talk about." I tell him and go to leave. "I miss you." he says. I stop in my tracks and turn to look at him. "Don't do that." I say. "I do. I miss you." he says. I don't say anything. "Come on. You came back last time." he says. "Well, I won't this time." I say and turn to leave again. "I heard you go married. You know he won't stay with you. Or even stay faithful. I didn't." he says. He walks closer and says "He'll get tired of your fat ass eventually and when he does and he gets tired of fucking the same pussy every night, give me a call." he tells me before walking away. "Don't listen to him." Emily tells me. I shake my head and say "Doesn't matter. Just a fucking arrangement anyway." I tell her before walking to my car and getting inside. She just stands there looking at me. She looks at EZ and he looks concerned. She mouths "Watch her." He nods and follows me back to the clubhouse.

I pull up to the clubhouse and get out of my car. Walking inside, I walk past Bishop and Hank standing at the bar and to the dorm. I walk into the bathroom and lock the door and sit in the floor and sob. Luke's right. Bishop will get tired of me soon enough. How could I have been so stupid. All of a sudden I hear a knock on the door. "Gloria? Amor? Open up. Are you okay?" he asks. I take a breath and say "I'm okay. Be out in a minute." I tell him. I splash water on my face and get myself together. I open the door and go to walk past him and he gently grabs my arm. I pull away and whisper "Please don't." He lets go and asks "What's wrong?" I shake my head and say "I'm good. I think I'm going to lay back down for a bit. I don't feel well." I tell him. I walk over to the bed and lay down. He walks over and kisses my temple and whispers "I love you amor." before walking out of the room.

Walking into the main room Hank asks "She okay?" Bishop looks at him and says "I don't know." Prospect walks over and says "When she came out of the diner, there was a guy there. He spoke to her. She motioned for me to stay back so I couldn't hear what was said but Emily was there beside her. I don't know what he said but Emily told me to watch her." Bishop nods and says "I need to call Miguel. If she comes out..." he starts and Hank says "We got her." Bishop nods and heads to Templo. Calling Miguel, he answers on the second ring. "I was just about to call you." Miguel says. "Is Emily near you?" Bishop asks. "She told me what happened." Miguel says. "Who was he?" Bishop asks. "Luke Summers. Gloria's ex. They were together for a couple of years until she got pregnant and be bailed on her." Miguel says. "She told me about that." Bishop says. "She also tell you the shit he used to say to her?" Miguel asks. "No." Bishop says. "He would tell her all the time that she was fat and that he wasn't attracted to her. He cheated on her all the time and told her it was her fault. That's why I made that arrangement with Marcus." Miguel says. "Emily tell you what he said today?" Bishop asks. "Yeah. Told her that you wouldn't stay faithful to her and that you'll get tired of her and when you do to call him. Said she couldn't keep him faithful and that you won't stay faithful either." Miguel says. Before Bishop could respond, Miguel says "I know you will be. I know how you feel about her. But Obispo, she's going to try to push you away. I know my sister. She told Emily that this was just an arrangement anyway. You have to keep her from going down that rabbit hole. If she goes down it, we will lose her." Miguel says. "I got her." Bishop says. "I have no doubt." Miguel says. "Can you send me the info on him?" Bishop asks. "I'll do you one better. I'll call you when we have him at the pew." Miguel says. "Thanks." Bishop says before ending the call.

Walking out to the bar, he looks at Hank and says "Galindo will be calling. Her ex is filling her head with bullshit. We're taking him to the pew." Bishop says and Hank nods. "Go take care of your wife. I'll come get you when he calls." Hank says and Bishop nods before heading to the dorm. When he walks in, I wipe my eyes to keep him from knowing I was crying. I feel the bed dip down and an arm go around me. "Please don't." I say before trying to pull away but he doesn't let me. Pulling me back against him he whispers "I love you so much Gloria." I shake my head no and try to get up. "I'm not letting you walk away from me." he says before turning me onto my back. I try to look away from him and he cups my chin to make me look at him. "You're my wife. This is not just an arrangement. I love you Gloria. You have no clue just how beautiful you are." he tells me and I shake my head no. "That fucker don't know what he's talking about. You're mine and I don't want anyone else. I just want you. My wife. I want to grow old with you. I want to see you walking around with my child growing in your stomach. I want to be able to look at you and know you're mine and only mine. And I am yours and only yours. Please believe me mi reina. You're all I want. I love you so fucking much." he whispers and I start to sob again. He pulls me into his chest and holds me, whispering how much he loves me and that he will never let me fall. When I calm down, he tells me "I spoke to your brother. He's getting Luke to the pew. I will handle him." he tells me. I look up at him and finally speak. "I want to be there. I need to be there." I tell him. "Okay. But the first time I think you can't handle it, the prospect takes you outside and you don't fight me." he tells me. "Okay." I say and snuggle back into his chest. "Did you mean it Bishop?" I ask. "That I love you?" he asks and I nod my head yes. "Baby, look at me." he says and I look up at him. "I am so fucking in love with you. You're all I think about. You are my queen and nothing changes that. Never doubt that mi amor. I will never betray you." he tells me softly. I kiss him softly and say "Show me." before he hovers over me. We start to shed clothes before he enters me and makes love to me nice and slow, the entire time telling me how much he loves me and how I am the only woman he will ever want. When we finally reach our release, we are lying together and neither of us are speaking, just holding each other when there's a knock on the door. "Showtime." Hank says. I look up at Bishop and he says "Let's go." I nod and we both get up and dressed before walking out to the main room to head out to handle Luke.

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