Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Waking up the next morning, I am still in bed with Bishop. I slip out of bed without waking him up and head to the kitchen to make him breakfast. I make his plate and put it in the microwave before leaving a note on the counter.

I'll be at the clubhouse working when you get up. Breakfast is in the microwave.

I head out to the car and head to the clubhouse. Walking in, I see Chucky behind the bar. "Coffee Gloria?" he asks. "Please." I say. He pours me a cup and I say "I'll be in my work room if anyone needs me." He nods and I head down the hall. Walking in, I close the door and sit in the middle of the floor and start stuffing dolls and sewing them shut. Once I get them done, I move to pack them in the boxes that I have set up and head back to the cutting board to cut the pieces for the next set of dolls.

A little bit later, Bishop walks in and I am sitting at the sewing machine. He leans down and kisses the top of my head. "Morning baby." he says. "Morning." I say but still don't look at him. "Did you eat?" he asks and I don't answer. "Baby, you need to eat." he says. "I'm fine. Did you find your plate?" I ask. "Yeah. Thank you but I would have rather had breakfast with my wife." he tells me and I don't say anything. "Baby please eat." he tells me and I don't respond. He kisses the top of my head before heading out of the room.

Pulling out his burner he calls Miguel. "Hola Bishop. How's our girl?" Miguel asks. "Not good. Won't eat. Tossed and turned all night. Slipped out of bed this morning and in her work room before I ever woke up. Still won't speak to me much." Bishop says. "We need to talk to her." Miguel says. "How soon can you get here?" he asks. "I can be there in thirty." Miguel says before ending the call.

Thirty minutes later, Miguel pulls up to the clubhouse and Bishop meets him at the steps. "She's still in her work room." Bishop says and they head inside. I hear the door open but I don't look up. "Gloria." I hear my brother say and I don't respond but I do stop what I'm doing. He walks over and kneels in front of me and says "You need to eat." I shake my head. He nods and all of a sudden I'm being picked up and carried out of the room. "Please put me down Bishop. Please." I beg as the tears start falling again. He takes me into the kitchen and Miguel follows us. "You're going to eat." Miguel says. Bishop puts a plate in front of me and I wipe the tears from my face. "Baby please eat." he says and I still don't respond. I shake my head and whisper "I can't do this." Bishop asks. "Can't do what baby?" I pull away from him and say "This. I want a divorce." I say. Bishop shakes his head and says "I don't." I stand up and start to walk away and Miguel blocks my path. "Move." I say simply. "No. You're not walking away." he tells me. I look at my brother and say "Go home to your family." He says "You're my family too." I shake my head and say "I want everyone to leave me alone." before pushing past him.

Finally having enough, Bishop grabs my arm and kisses me deeply and says "You're my Old Lady. My wife. We're not getting a divorce. You're going to eat and get some sleep." Bishop tells me. I don't look at him so he cups my face so that I have to look at him and he says "Do you understand?" I nod my head yes and he pulls me back to eat.

I finish eating enough to satisfy him and my brother before heading to the shower. I walk into the bathroom and lean over the toilet and start trying to purge what I ate. Bishop unlocks the door and walks in, seeing what I'm doing and he pulls me to stand up. "Don't do that." he says. He starts the shower and he starts to get undressed and I move towards the door. Grabbing my hand, he says "I want to shower with my wife." I nod and he starts to help me undress and I try to stop him. Cupping my face again, he says "You're fucking perfect baby. Please don't push me away." I look at him and there are tears in his eyes. "I can't get right Bishop." I finally say. "Then let me help you." he tells me and I nod.

Stepping into the shower, he puts me to the wall and kisses me softly and deeply before picking me up but he doesn't enter me. We spend the next few minutes kissing before he puts his forehead to mine and whispers "I love you mi reina." I finally wrap my arms around his neck and whisper "I love you Bish. Please promise you'll tell me if you change your mind." He looks at me and says "I will never change my mind baby. You're stuck with me." I softly press my lips to his and whisper "I love you." 

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