Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Pulling up to the spa, the four of us get out and are shown to our room. The four of us are sharing a three bedroom suite. "Letti can bunk with me." I say and they all nod. "I'll order room service." Dita says before picking up the phone. Once the food gets there, we are sitting on the balcony eating and Dita says "Now, tell me what's been going on with you." I shake my head and she says "This is the real reason the four of us are here. Tell us what's going through your mind." she tells me and I look at her shocked. "You need a reset and I think we all need a little pampering." Emily says. "Being around the club, there are all of these women that would love to be with him and I know that. I know he won't cheat but I see how easy it would be for him to. They are all younger and prettier than I am and he could have any one of them, no strings attached and they don't even care that he's married." I tell her. "I hear what the girls say about you." Letti says and we all look at her. "When you're not around they talk about you. They say how good you are to them and how you don't make them feel like you're better than them. They respect you. They love you. When you stayed locked up all the time, not talking to us? They would come to the guys and ask what you needed to get your head right. They wanted to help you. Not the" she tells me and I can't help but smile a little. "Honey, I went through the same thing when your father started the cartel. He had all of these little putas around him, trying to be with him." she says and we look at her shocked that she said putas. "What did you do?" I ask. "I showed them who he belonged to but mija, you don't have to do that. They respect you." she tells me. "You have him and from what I've seen, he doesn't even see them." I look at her and Letti speaks up. "He doesn't see them. When we're sitting around talking, he's just sitting there watching you, smiling." she tells me. "Really?" I ask. "Really." she tells me.

After the weekend is done, we head home and as soon as I walk into the house, he stands up. I drop my bags and walk over to him and crash my lips with his and when we separate, I pull him to the bedroom. "What are you doing Querida?" he asks, smirking. Pulling him close once we're in the bedroom I whisper "Making a little Losa." He crashes his lips with mine and picks me up. Carrying me to the bed, he lays me down and we start to shed clothes before he enters me. Making love to me slow and easy, I whisper "I love you Obispo. I love you so much." He puts his forehead to mine and whispers "I love you Gloria Losa." I feel him pick up his pace just a little and I lose myself in the pleasure before finding my release with him finding his right behind me, inside me.

After getting dressed, we head out to the living room and he asks "You feeling better I take it?" I nod and say "Between talking to Letti, Emily and mama, I am. They just made me realize some things I didn't know." I tell him. "What's that?" he asks as we sit on the couch together. "Well, Mama and Emily made me realize that you do really love me. Letti made me realize that I don't have to worry about the girls at the club going after you because they respect me. I didn't know they were asking how to help me." I tell him. "They were worried." he tells me. "Letti also made me see that all the times that I am sitting there at the clubhouse, talking to her and the other girls, you only see me. That you're sitting there watching me. You honestly love me." I tell him. "I do mi amor. I have never loved anyone like I do you." he tells me. "Let's head to the clubhouse." I tell him and he nods.

Getting on his bike, we head to the clubhouse. Once we get there, we get off the bike and walk inside. When the girls see me, they all come up and start hugging me, seeing the smile on my face. I get everyone's attention and say "I just wanted to tell you all that I'm okay. I know you were all worried about me and that means the world to me that you all care that much about me. Just know that I'm okay and that I love all of you. You're my family. My boys..." I say, looking at the ones wearing kuttes, "My girls..." I say, looking at all of the club girls standing around, "And my special loves." I say, looking at Letti and Chucky. "Thank you all for being here for me." I say and Bishop pulls me close.

One of the girls, Kelly, walks up and says "Can I talk to you?" I nod and we walk over to the side. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I'm in love with this guy and I want to catch his eye." she tells me. "Which one?" I ask. "Gilly." she tells me. "Okay. Give me a minute. Don't move." I tell her as I stand up and walk over to Gilly. Pulling Gilly back with me I say "Gilly, this is my friend Kelly. You two should go get some dinner and talk." Gilly looks at me and then her and smiles before holding out his hand and leading her out to his bike. "What was that about?" Bishop asks as he pulls me into his arms. "She's in love with Gilly and he can't keep his eyes off of her so I gave them the push they needed." I tell him and he kisses me softly.

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