Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

After our shower, he pulls me to the bed with the towel wrapped tightly around me, hiding myself from him. He pulls me close and says "Don't hide from me." I don't look at him and he tilts my face up to look at him and says "You're perfect mi reina." I nod and he leads me to the bed. Laying down, he gets in bed behind me and pulls me to snuggle into his chest. I finally look up at him on my own and whisper "Love me Obispo." Kissing me softly, he hovers over me and whispers against my lips "Siempre mi amor." before crashing his lips with mine and entering me slowly. Thrusting in and out slow and easy he makes love to me nice and slow as he whispers how much he loves me and how beautiful he thinks I am. When we both reach our release, he kisses me softly, still hovering over me, and says "You're so fucking perfect mi amor and you're mine." I look into his eyes and kiss him softly. "I'm sorry for everything mi rey." I tell him. "Don't apologize. You just need to be reminded how amazing you are." he tells me. I feel him caress my face and ask "How do I get right?" He kisses me softly and says "I show you every day how in love with you I am and how you deserve the world mi amor." he tells me. "I love you Bishop." I tell him. "I love you baby." he says.

We get up and head out to the main room but before we get there, I stop and he looks at me concerned. I take a deep breath and nod before we walk into the main room. Walking over to a table, Chucky puts a plate down in front of Hank and I ask "Can I get a plate Chucky?" He smiles softly and says "Coming right up Princesa." before heading to the kitchen. Bishop looks at me and I say "I'm a little hungry." and you see the guys smile.

After eating a little bit, he asks "You wanna head home?" I nod and we head out to my car. "I'll follow you." he tells me before going to head to his bike but I stop him. He looks at me concerned and I pull him closer and kiss him softly. "Thank you." I say. Smiling softly, he says "I will always have your back mi reina." He kisses me one more time and says "Let's head home."

Pulling up at home, we head inside and head to the couch. Sitting down, he pulls me into his arms. We sit there in silence when my phone rings. I answer to find Dita on the other end. "Hola Mother." I say. "Hola Bebita. Be ready at eight in the morning. Emily and I are taking you for a spa weekend just us girls. Bring your little friend Letti. We could all use some girl time." she says. "That's okay..." I start and she says "Be ready." she says before ending the call. "What's up?" he asks when he sees me looking at my phone confused. "My mother and Emily want to take me and Letti to a girls weekend at a spa." I tell him. "Good. You could use some girl time to unwind and get your head right." he tells me. I look up at him and he kisses me again and pulls out his phone. "Have Letti here by eight in the morning. She's been invited to a girls weekend with my Old Lady." Bishop says before hanging up.

That night, we go to bed and are laying there in silence again. "I love you Obispo." I look up at him and he kisses me deeply before hovering over me. "I love you too Gloria." he says before we drift off to sleep.

Waking up the next morning, I shower and get dressed and start packing for the weekend. There's a knock on the door and I see my mother standing there with Emily, talking to Letti who just showed up. I kiss Bishop and say "I'll see you in a couple of days." before heading out to the waiting car to head to our spa weekend.

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