Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

We spend the rest of the evening hanging out and decide to just crash in the dorm. Walking into the dorm, we strip down and climb into bed. I snuggle up against him and lay there a minute before deciding I need my husband. I move to straddle him and he asks "What are you doing mi amor?" I smirk and lean down to his ear and whisper "I'm going to fuck my husband." He crashes his lips with mine before turning us over and saying "I fucking love you." I smile and say "I love you too." before we start shedding clothes and make love all night long.

The next morning, we get up and head to the main room and I look over and see Gilly and Kelly over to the side talking and he kisses her softly. I nudge Bishop and motion over to them and he just smiles. We turn back to the bar and Bishop just holds me close. My phone rings and I see it's my brother. "I gotta take this." I tell him. He nods and I head toward the dorm, answering the call. "Hola mano." I say. "Hola mana. How are you feeling?" he asks. "Better. A lot better." I tell him. "Good. We were worried about you, you know." he tells me. "I know and I'm sorry about that." I tell him. "How are things with you and Bishop?" he asks. "Really good. Can't seem to keep our hands off each other. You know, I said I wanted a love like what you and Em have and I do. I don't think I could ever love anyone like I do Bishop and I know he loves me just as much." I tell him. "Good. That's all we want is for you to be happy but there's something I want to talk to you about." He says. "What's that?" I ask. "Mama and Taza." he tells me. "What?" I ask. "They've been talking since the wedding. I think they would be a good match." he says. "I do too." I tell him. "So you're good with it?" he asks. "If you are, I am." I tell him and we talk a few more minutes before getting off the phone.

I walk out to the main room and see Taza talking to Hank. I walk over and ask Taza "Can I talk to you?" He nods before we walk out to the porch to talk. "I just spoke to my brother. You've been talking to my mom?" I ask and he lowers his head and nods. "Do you care about my mother?" I ask and he looks at me and says "I do. She's a good woman." he tells me. "She is. But she's not been with anyone since my father but if you and her can make it work, then I want you to go for it. You've been like a father to me since I've been here and I want my mother to be happy." I tell him. "I would really like your blessing. Miguel already gave his." he tells me. "You have it." I tell him and he hugs me. "Be good to her." I tell him and he nods before we walk back into the clubhouse.

Walking back into the clubhouse, I walk over to Bishop and he pulls me close and kisses me softly. "Everything okay?" he asks. "Yeah. Giving Taza my blessing to date my mother." I tell him and he nods his understanding. "You good with it?" he asks. "Yeah. I'm good with it." I tell him as I snuggle closer and we just watch our family around us and I realize how lucky I am.

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