Did I say that out loud?

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A few weeks later, Tony is in his lab when Bucky walks in. He was just looking around and fooling about with the mechanics and his metal arm.

Tony is working on the arm, but he can't help but glance at Bucky every now and then, smiling at the way he is just fools about.

Bucky smiled at all the mechanics, they seem to like him. 'Oh my gods that smile it's beautiful!' Tony thought to himself. He tries to focus but just finds himself staring at that beautiful smile! 'Snap out of it Tony for gods sake!'

Bucky eventually trips over a wire and laughs "That could have been bad."
"Oh boi, I probably could have set the whole lab on fire."
"That would not have been good."
Tony laughs, and Bucky laughs with him.
"So anyway, what do you think of it?"
"Lookin' good."
Tony laughs. "The lab or my ass?"
Bucky smirks, "Both."
Tony's laughs become wheezes "That was a joke but okay I'll take it."

Bucky laughs softly. Steve can just hear laughing from the lab which annoys him, but the other two don't find it annoying at all, they are enjoying it.

"So anyway, how is the arm coming along?"
"It's nearly done!"
'Just say 'like you'! JUST SAY 'like you'!! FUCK!' Bucky thinks, you can tell something is wrong. Well, Tony can at least.
"Uhm... are you okay?"
"Yep! Totally fine!" Bucky replied in a tone that can't really be explained.
'Fuck James!! FUCKKKKKK!!' "Ohmygodsheissocutewhenheislikethis! Oh.... did I say that out loud."
At this point, Bucky had started blushing a very deep shade of red, "Uh yeah.."
"Oops.." Tony mumbles, shocked at what just escaped his mouth.
"Its um okay.."

A few awkward moments pass after that.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Tony had genuine concern laced in his voice.
"Y-yeah I'm fine..."

Tony continued to work on the arm and Bucky starts thinking about what types of cake Tony likes, or if he likes cake at all. He is trying his best to focus on the arm, but when Bucky is in the same room as you it's easy to get distracted. Bucky sits down in a chair still thinking about what he could bake for Tony.

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