Why can we not just be married and everything be fine?!

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A few years had passed. Tony and Bucky were married and everything was going fine. But we all know, that would never last.

Bucky was going to get some groceries, humming 3-way absentmindedly.
Tony was at home in the lab.

From behind him, Bucky heard gunshots and the next second he felt a burning pain in his back, going straight to his chest. Tony being completely oblivious as he was still at home. Bucky looked down, to see blood seeping through the front of his shirt- the bullet had gone straight through him. He felt more bullets in his back and saw more blood seeping through.

'Oh...' he said faintly, before collapsing to the ground. The last thing he saw before drifting off into unconsciousness was the sky, a light blue, with wisps of gray and white floating across it lazily.

Tony texted Bucky to ask when he thought he would be back, but got no response. Which was weird since he usually replied quickly. "FRIDAY, track his phone..."
"Right away, boss. He's on Bleaker Street, and the signal isn't moving as if he was walking."

Tony was on his way there in seconds, a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Bucky kept floating in and out of consciousness, and soon didn't know what was and wasn't real. He groaned, and didn't know that his husband was there, or that he was dying in a pool of his own blood.

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